Sunday, September 23, 2007

Why Diets Don't Work

Dr. Jonny Bowden is a board certified nutritionist with a masters degree in psychology and counseling and a PhD in holistic nutrition. He's also the author of several books including, "Living the Low Carb Life: Choosing the Diet that's Right for You from Atkins to Zone", and his latest: "The 150 Healthiest foods on Earth".

He's also got another book on the way this January called, "The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth". His mission is to empower and entertain, and to teach people what they need to know to take care of their own health and to do it with passion, information and humor. And to have a good time doing it!

Dr. Bowden's website is

CB: Dr. Bowden, very impressive. I recently read an article of yours in Men's Health magazine. Can you describe your nutriiton philosophy for fat loss and health?

If I had to put it in a sound byte it would be this:

Biochemical individuality.

Everybody's different. Stop following the gurus (including me!) and be the leader of your own health care team. What works for your neighbor is utterly irrelevant in terms of what's going to work for you. That goes for diet, weight loss and all of life, by the way.

CB: What are most people - who go on a diet - doing wrong?

Well, first of all, I'm not a big fan of the "diets don't work" school.

They work just fine.

The problem is that people have unreasonable time lines and expectations from their diets.

To use an analogy from the investing world, there are really good- solid, strong strategies for building wealth. But you don't expect to be a millionaire overnight from them. Diets work fine if you stick with them and stop thinking of them as something that's going to produce results by Friday.

The second thing that people do wrong is to look at "diets" as a time limited, teeth grinding, willpower challenging period that thank god will be over soon!

How about thinking of "diet" the way the original Greek word intended: as a manner of living!

Then the whole picture changes!

And the third thing people on diets do wrong is they keep trying to find "the right diet" instead of the right FIT between a diet (or program) and the person. The right "diet" is the one that works for YOU not the one you read in a book.

CB: How did you get started in this industry?


Click HERE for the rest of Dr. Bowden's interview

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