Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pizza & Fat Loss

We have some cool new videos up on youtube for you this week...

Here's your 7-day guide to this week's fat loss.

TT Workout.

Not sure how to do intervals? Watch this video...

...showing you how to Beginner Intervals for Fat Loss. This workout is taken right from the 6-Month Bodyweight Training Manual DVD shoot we did several weeks ago. The video shows Beginners how to start Interval training, and how to fit 3 interval/cardio sessions in for the week to help with fat burning.

If you have any questions about Interval Training for Fat loss, this video covers them. It also goes over the #1 mistake most people - beginners and advanced - make when doing interval training for fat burning or even for fitness and sport-specific training.

Find out the big mistake by watching the Interval Cardio Video HERE.

30 minute of activity. Fall sports leagues have started. What sport are you in? Sports are a great way for you to get fit, lose fat, and hang with friends. Put some fun back in your fitness.


TT Workout.

Do what you hate to get results.

Don't drop exercises just because they are hard - those are always the ones that get you results. Most people work out a lot, but train too soft. They could get more results by training less, they just have to work harder.

The Turbulence Training workouts are the ultimate resource for training at the right intensity to get the most results in the least amount of time.

Here's something I never get tired of hearing...

"The TT workouts are excellent! You have literally changed my life! I got completely burned out on single body part training and long periods of cardio. It just isn't conducive to my life given that I work full time and have a spouse. I'm already lean but I want to maintain a high level of health and have a fit, athletic look. I have to admit that I was skeptical because the workouts were so short, but even after the first workout my skepticism disappeared in a hurry. The time flies by at the gym and the workouts have eliminated a lot of stress because if I got stuck at work and couldn't get to the gym for "leg day" it would mess up my training schedule for the rest of the week. I also like having the option to do some body weight circuits plus I have a full range of dumbells and a ball at home so I can get my workouts in at home."
Janet M

Get my full strength and interval workout plan here

30 minutes of activity.

For more nutrition, Check out this post in my blog


TT workout.

Now I know some people like to relax on the weekend with pizza, so let me pass on some info I found on the Men's Health website.

I always thought Pizza Hut was the greasiest, and the numbers prove it...

Domino's 2 slices medium (12") cheese pizza 372 calories, 11 g fat (4 g saturated), 770 mg sodium
Little Caesar's 2 slices medium (12") round cheese pizza 320 calories, 12 g fat (5 g saturated), 640 mg sodium
Pizza Hut 2 slices medium (12") hand-tossed crust cheese pizza 480 calories, 16 g fat (9 g saturated), 1040 mg sodium
Papa John's 2 slices medium (12") original-crust cheese pizza 420 calories, 16 g fat (5 g saturated), 1060 mg sodium


30 minutes of exercise with your Social Support Group. Then a relaxation session. Take care of yourself. Get a massage or've earned it.

Plan, shop, and prepare.

Check out this shocking post from Brad Pilon on the calories found in fast food

Every day another step closer to success,


P.S. To get all my workouts & DVD's...

Click HERE to become a Platinum TT Member

"The TT Membership is a freakin' steal. Craig charges virtually nothing and you get access to dozens of workouts, articles, and information, including different ones for different goals (athletes, pre-season, fat-loss, muscle gains). Plus (and this is a BIG plus), the dude is extremely prompt about answering e-mails. Not to mention very much no-BS and to the point."

Qaiser Wairich

PPS - Or get the TT for Abs Workout by joining as a monthly member HERE

PPPS - Past customer?

Contact Us for a Discount

1 comment:

  1. While the mainstream fitness media still insists that aerobic
    exercise is a great way to lose weight, Turbulence Training users
    know that interval training is the better way to burn body fat.

    Still not convinced?

    A recent study published by the North American Association for the
    Study of Obesity, subjects aged 40 to 75 were instructed to do 60
    minutes of aerobic exercise per day for 6 days per week for an
    entire year.

    Given the amount of exercise, you'd expect weight losses of 20, 30
    pounds, or more, right?

    Well, the surprise findings showed the average fat loss for female
    subjects was only 4 pounds for the entire year, while men lost 6.6
    pounds of fat over the year. That's over 300 hours of aerobic
    exercise just to lose a measly 6 pounds of blubber. Not time well
    spent, in my opinion.

    So what's the better way? Stick with Turbulence Training, using
    interval training and strength training to get better bodysculpting
    results. With intervals, you'll achieve more fat burning results in
    less workout time.

    The next time you are out exercising, perform a session of interval
    training. If you are walking or running outside, find an incline
    that can challenge you for 60 seconds, then walk down for 60-120
    seconds, and repeat up to 6 times.

    If you walk or run on a treadmill, adjust the incline or speed to
    safely increase the challenge for 60 seconds, then return to the
    normal pace for 60-120 seconds, and repeat up to 6 times.

    You can also use a rowing machine, bicycle or stationary bike, or
    even an elliptical machine to do intervals.

    But whatever you do, stay away from boring, ineffective cardio
    exercise workouts and stick with Turbulence Training for your fat
    burning program.

    ===> Fast fat loss workouts... <=====

    Save time, burn fat,

    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer
    Author, Turbulence Training

    "I'm 25 and was seriously overweight at the start of this year. I've
    been doing the TT for Fat Loss Workouts and after 5 months of
    training. I've lost nearly 28lbs. I want to take this opportunity
    to thank Craig for making your knowledge so accessible and your
    articles and blogs that not only make us think about our
    lifestyles, but encourage us to change them for better health."
    Kevin Thow, Sydney, Australia

    Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here: ===> Cardio is a Waste of Time for Fat Loss <=====

    "Turbulence Training makes so much sense and I really enjoy the
    different workouts so never get bored. From an aussie that was
    looking for something other than just another weight workout
    with the same old moves this has been a real eye opener for me and
    I have been telling my friends just how great the TT method is."
    Kelli Tomkins, Australia
