Monday, September 17, 2007

Fat Loss Transformation Website

Today I suggest you visit Erik Ledin's website: Fat Loss Transformation Site

I recommend this site for several reasons, to both clients and trainers.

1 - Great content. you wnat to burn fat and get lean, go here. I've even interviewed Erik for TTMembers and his repliew were great...he's no BS and calls it like he sees it. In these days of trainers talking about fancy-schmance expensive post-workout shake concoctions (with little scientific background), Erik's take on what to eat after training was very refreshing.

Erik Ledin Interview

2 - If you're a trainer and want to put together a good site, his is set up almost perfectly. Take a note of the use of images, where his newsletter signup box is, and the use of the area "above the fold" on his site.

So check out Erik Ledin's Transformation Website


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