Friday, September 07, 2007

Does Fruit Make You Fat?

Time for another very common question I get...

Does Fruit Make You Fat?

No. Just look at Gorillas. When was the last time you saw a fat gorilla? And all they do is eat bananas all day.

Listen, if you ever meet someone who has gotten fat from eating fruit, please take a picture of them and send it to the Guinness Book of World Records.

Here's the real deal:

Poptarts make you fat. Soda makes you fat. Hot dogs make you fat. And beer and fruity drinks make you fat.

Not fruit.

Next question.

How much protein can you digest at one time?

I answered how much protein can you absorb or digest HERE - at my Men's Health blog

Next question.

Do I need to do a detox diet?

Find out about Detox diets on my blog

Next question,

The Truth About Exercise & Nutrition Myths
The Truth About Cardio for Fat Loss

PS - How many blogs do you have?!?!?!?!?

I now update three blogs daily.

1) This one. Fat Loss Workout Routines

2) My Men's Health Blog: Men's Health Trainer

3) My free blog on my member's site: Fat Loss Member's Blog

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