Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ab Exercises Circuit Workout

I've put a circuit of my 3 favorite ab exercises up on youtube. Actually, I demonstrate about 6 different exercises in the ab circuit, including a couple with the Stability Ball. But none of them are crunches.

There are a few schools of thought on getting ripped abs.

One, there is the classic "do hundreds if not thousands of reps everyday, or at least a few times per week" to get your 6-pack.

Two, there is the "practically no ab exercises" approach, that just focuses on basic lifts and then dieting and intervals to shed the fat and see your abs.

I'm a lot closer to the latter, than the former.

In addition, there are also other considerations you need to take into account, such as the impact of each ab exercise on your low back health, ab endurance in basic exercises like the plank and side plank, and then whether or not you have the right body fat level to see your abs anyway.

If you are 30% body fat, and doing hundreds of crunches per workout, you're wasting your time. There's no way you can justify that.

You need to spend your time on more effective ways of burning fat first, and you probably can benefit from some of the healthy, ab endurance approach for your torso and learning how to use those muscles, if you are beginner.

The best way to get 6-pack abs is, like in most cases, somewhere between the middle of the two extreme approaches I mention above.

That's why I put together some ab routines for the TT members Ab Workout of the month

If you like the youtube ab circuit, let me know and we'll put up more for you ab addicts,


PS - Watch the TT for Abs workout HERE

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