Sunday, September 09, 2007

7 Day Fat Loss Program

Here's this week's 7-day guideline to maximum fat loss.

Monday - TT Workout.

Take another review of the TT nutrition principles in your manual. If you are struggling with your nutrition, consider visiting a nutritionist or picking up Dr. John Berardi's nutrition info here.

Tuesday - 30 minutes activity.

Compare how far you have come against your fitness levels from the beginning of the year. And if you haven't already, start a training log to track your progress.

Wednesday - TT Workout.

Follow up with the trainer you consulted at the start of the year. If you didn't use a trainer then, consider scheduling a visit to have your exercise form checked out, and then add the trainer to your social support group - another expert to be accountable to will help you improve your consistency and commitment.

Thursday - 30 minutes activity.

Review your new healthy habits - highlighting what has helped over the the last few weeks. Keep up those healthy habits, but at the same time identify the remaining obstacles to your success, and then figure out two ways you can overcome each obstacle.

Friday - TT Workout.

It is very important to train the back of the body, especially the back of the upper body if you do a lot of pressing movements. One of the staple exercises in my programs is the simple Rear-Deltoid Lateral Raise. Make sure you finish off today's workout with 3 sets of 12 reps for this exercise.

Click HERE to see it.

Saturday - 30 minutes of activity.

Meet up with your social support group and thank them all for their help. Share this great article from Adam Campbell with your group about what it takes to make a significant change in your life.

Click HERE for the article

Sunday - 30 minutes of activity.

Hopefully by now you have the "plan, shop, and prepare" routine down by now. Get a nice piece of salmon, some asparagus, and sweet potatos and treat yourself to an amazing healthy, rewarding dinner.

It's a lifestyle now,


Here's a great success story that gets better every week he uses the TT Principles...

"I've just received Craig's 6 Month Body-Weight Training Manual and am thoroughly impressed.  I have used some of Craig's other Turbulence Training programs and have progressed steadily to better health and a better body. Recently I have used Craig's TT for Fat Loss manual and lost 20lbs of fat while increasing my lean body mass and getting much stronger.  As with the other programs the amount of information and direction in his bodyweight manual is outstanding.  Not only does Craig guide you through his work outs, he offers nutritional advice, lifting tempos and exercise descriptions with visuals to help with form.  With the amount of information in this program it would be almost impossible not to succeed.  I can hardly wait to get started with bodyweight training and reap the benefits of Craig's expertise."
Rick Dunseith  

Fat Loss Program to Lose 20 pounds

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