Tuesday, September 25, 2007

5 Things I Must Do...

There are only 100 days left in the year, but you can still accomplish big things, such as improving your income, losing 20 pounds, or even finding the love of your life.

Those might be some of the goals you set on Jan. 1st, but maybe something came up and you haven't hit them yet. Don't worry, I haven't hit all mine yet either. Here are just some of the things I must do before the end of '07...

  • Hit 195lbs
  • Build a new set of shelves for my library to hold all the new books I've purchased
  • Read a LOT more books (I had a goal of 100, but I've only read about 27 so far this year - I'll share this list on my site later this week)
  • Power Clean over 225lbs
  • Give blood
  • Snowboard

Fortunately, I've crossed of over 50 of the goals I set on New Years eve, 2006. And I've done a lot of things that weren't on the list as well - such as putting on my own seminar (that will be held in November for Trainers who want to improve their business).

As you can see, I am no stranger to goal setting, and I hope that you take time to goal-set as well.

Setting goals or even making New Year's resolutions is not a bunch of hogwash, cheesy, fluffy hocus-pocus either. It's no joke.

Research shows that people who write their goals down succeed far more than people that don't write down their goals. It's that simple. Write them down, review them, and keep them at the forefront of your thoughts - that way you'll always be working towards them.

What I have done in the past is create a word document with goals for different areas of business, my finances, my own workouts, my reading list, and some travel goals. I keep those on file and refer to them often, several times per week.

And I must say, its served me well. Not only as a motivator and schedule but also as a reminder about goals that I would have forgotten about if I didn't write them down.

Last Christmas I got an e-book from a trainer in the UK named Dax Moy. He's a bright guy, and has done phenomenally well with his business.

Anyways, Dax's goal-setting e-book is called "The Magic Hundred " - and it's perfect for you to check out today - since there are only 100 days left in the year (actually, only 99 now!).

In it, Dax tells some good stories about his own life and how he developed his goal setting system. Drawing from those lessons, he shows you how to achieve 100 phenomenal goals in a short amount of time.

I'll let him tell you the rest of the story here:

Dax Moy's Magic Hundred

It helped me identify several new significant goals and strategies of achieving these goals. It was an excellent brainstorm tool, and a kick-in-the-butt to organize the goals into readily achievable tasks.

What more can I say? If you want to achieve something extra special this year, strike that, if you want to achieve something extraordinarily special in the final 100 days of the year, then pick up the Magic Hundred and get going NOW!

It's what you make of it,


PS. Let's face it. We are often lacking motivation at this time of the year...thinking about the upcoming holiday season...

But you can make this the best, most productive part of your year...use the deadline of New Year's Eve to accomplish great things...and just think, at the stroke of midnight this New Year's, you can look back proudly on your accomplishments, more than ever before.

Click HERE to get Dax Moy's Magic Hundred program  

Within the hour of starting to read Dax's book, you'll be full of ideas, more motivation, and commitment to succeeding. I look forward to hearing great things from you this year!

PPS - Dax was one of the most impressive business owners I met last year. The guy has it figured out. Not only is he doing well financially, but he spends a LOT of time with his family.

And isn't that what its all aboot? We all want to succeed but we want to have fun at the same time. That's why Dax makes you set adventure goals as well as health goals, financial goals, and goals in other areas of life.

Read More About The Magic Hundred  

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