Saturday, August 25, 2007

Use It or Lose It

Of course, the biggest question bodybuilders (and most guys) have about dieting and Brad Pilon's Fasting Program is "will I lose muscle". And Brad Pilon wrote a good little article over at his site here that will ease your worries about burning muscle mass with dieting

And then there's this other site you might want to check out, as this guy also promotes fasting for fat loss

The title of this post gives you a hint about what Brad says in his article. Basically, as you as you strength train, you'll keep your muscle while you diet.

Which brings up an important point...if you diet and only do cardio, you'll lose muscle even FASTER than if you just dieted alone.

So say goodbye to the 80's approach to fat loss (diet and cardio), and stick with what works (diet, resistance training and intervals).

It's the simple way to lose fat and keep muscle,


PS - For my workout today, I did kettlebell training, but also plan some deep knee bends for later this afternoon, before Phase 3 of Ferruggia's program starts next week.

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