Friday, August 31, 2007

Turbulence Training for Ripped Abs

Just in time for the weekend, is the new
Turbulence Training for Abs Workout.

The first Turbulence Training workout dedicated to
extra abdominal work...using the Turbulence Training
principles of course. If you love working your abs,
you'll love using this workout.

So many people have asked for a Turbulence
Training workout focusing on getting ripped abs,
but you know I'm not the kind of guy to put
together a workout of hundreds and hundreds
of crunches to try and sell you "an ab workout".

That's a joke, but by going through some past
workouts, I was able to put together a TT for Abs
program based on total body ab exercises, the
classic TT superset principles, and the famous
TT intervals.

Here's how it goes down...

Day 1 - Workout A

Bodyweight warmup
Total body supersets to boost your metabolism
Ab Circuit

Day 2 - Light recovery exercise

Day 3 - Workout B

Bodyweight warmup
Higher volume total body workout
(using a couple strength exercises as intervals)
Ab endurance circuit

Day 4 - Light recovery exercise

Day 5 - Workout C

Bodyweight warmup
Total body supersets to boost your metabolism
Ab Circuit

Day 6 - Intervals + Abs

My special blend of intervals and abs to work
your torso overtime.

Day 7 - Light recovery exercise

Okay, so that's it. See how I put all together
inside the September workout of the month,
Turbulence Training for Ripped Abs.


PS - This program covers it all for your abs...

Stability, resistance, the 6-pack muscles, and
your obliques, all while taking care of your lower
back at the same time.

Get a 6-pack with Turbulence Training for Abs


PPS - Hurry, and you'll get a bonus...

You'll get the Nov. 06 TT workout & if you sign-up
before the end of today, Friday, you'll also get the
August workout that uses dumbells, kettlebells,
and bodyweight exercises to burn fat fast.

Sign-up today & get the TT Member's workouts

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