Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Perfect Body?

This picture, taken in July 0f 2007, puts me at almost "the perfect body" (think Brad Pitt in Fight Club), according to a colleague who has studied the research on what body types result in the greatest attractiveness to the opposite sex, as well as the body type that results in the greatest financial success.
My colleague will be releasing this info early next year, so I can't say too much about it - other than its going to be very, very popular.
Anyways, this is pretty much what I've looked like for 10 years now, so I'm surprised by all the emails I'm getting about my physique. It's wonderful (sarcasm) to know that so many of you thought i was an out of shape pathetic loser (just kidding with you).
Granted, I think I have one shitty picture out there on the Internet that people are basing their "mental images" of me on, so I should probably get rid of that one from wherever it is posted.
Hey, sometimes you just get caught by the camera on a bad day, what can i say.

But this is what I really look like. Although now I'm probaby 15 pounds heavier than this photo. Still as lean.


  1. Give me a few more months ;)

  2. I expect nothing less Billy! Keep up the great work...

  3. Anonymous2:21 AM

    15 lbs. heavier + the cameras tend to add 10...:)

    j/k something to look forward to down the road...

  4. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Hi Craig,

    You look "perfect". ;-) One question: can we get a body like that with only bodyweight exercises? Thanks.

  5. You can stop holding in the beer gut now ;o) Awesome physique craig

  6. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I don't know if anyone thought you were out of shape - it's just those HUGE workout shorts you wear in all the videos...they look almost like a skirt and you really just can't see what condition you are in. Wear some stuff that fits and and there will be less shock. :)

  7. Hi Cristian,

    Yes, bodyweight can certainly do that...

    let's look at 2 examples:

    1) Gymnasts - they are an extreme example, and are more muscular than I am. However, they also spent their entire lives training like that...still its almost all bodyweight.

    2) Athletes - Many athletes have great physiques from nothing but bodyweight training.

    So yes, bodyweight can develop a great physique.

    Remember, pullups, chinups, and advanced pushups can overload the body as well as many bodybuilding exercises.

    Add good nutrition and you are set.


  8. ok, so can you give us a picture of a near perfect female body?

  9. Good question Bonnie, I'll ask.

    I'd certainly have a hard time coming up with one...there are so many in my opinion!
