Saturday, August 11, 2007

Over 40 Fat Loss Project

Keith Stephens is one of our committed TT members. As a professional on-air DJ working evenings, and a family, Keith has a busy lifestyle…like so many of us.

Yet he still hits his workouts and posts them in the forums, even while on vacation. Keith is learning consistency is the key to success. Let's see how it's all going with Keith…

CB: What were major changes to your exercise and nutrition after reading the TT programs?
Cutting back on the distance running and doing more intervals.


The supersets are unlike anything I've done before. I've never done so much leg work. I always stressed the vanity muscles, the chest, shoulders and of course the biceps.

I could do all of three pushups when i started with TT. I am close to thirty as a personal best now. My eating has changed to smaller meals and the effort to try new vegtables and fruits. But I love the fact, that with two small kids and all the craziness that comes with being a parent i can crank thru my workouts.

CB: What's your favorite part about the TT member's site?
Two big things for me.


One is the social network and the support that comes with it. Two is the journal. I do mine a bit different. I write as if i was talking to someone. But its the feedback in the journal that is a great source of motivation, even if its "good job" or a quick tip.

Read the rest of the Turbulence Training Success Story here

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