Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Is Tiger Woods on Steroids?

After yesterday's post about Tiger Woods and his muscle building, someone showed me a few links about golf and steroids. In fact, one of the comments I read asked, "how could Tiger NOT be on steroids?"

Give me a break.

Anyone who thinks Tiger Woods is on steroids has never been in a gym. Has never lifted weights. Has no idea of the potential of the human body to adapt to training. These guys must spend all of their lives in armchairs, elbow deep in 6-packs and potato chips, and that's why they can't fathom someone has the ability to gain muscle through exercise.

I'm older, and more muscular than Tiger thanks to the muscle gaining secrets workouts, and as drug free as you can get. In the photo is of me above, from last week, I weigh about 185-190 pounds at 5'8". (Notice how I put a small dog beside me to make me look even bigger.)

Getting back to Tiger....

The only thing his critics know is "the quick fix method". They have 1/1000th the discipline of Tiger Woods, a man who makes 10,000 times more money than they do each year. They can't imagine Tiger, a man with all the money in the world, would still work hard in a gym or have the discipline to gain muscle.

What a joke.

Listen, Tiger Woods has muscle, but he's not THAT big. I've met drug-free guys in their 40's with more muscle than him.

Plus, Tiger is 31 years old. It's the prime of his life. Yet, the critics who accuse Tiger of using steroids are the same guys who consider themselves over the hill at age 24. That's why they can't comprehend how Tiger Woods is still in shape. To them, everyone should look like John Daly after age 25.

But that's how it goes these days, I guess. Everyone is so soft and lazy that to see someone NOT overweight is a shock. And to see someone with muscle is a miracle!

Listen, anyone can gain muscle and lose fat at any age. And you don't have to take steroids to do it,

Gain Muscle & Lose Fat


  1. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Hey Craig, this is the first time I've seen your body sans t-shirt and shorts and you look terrific. Often wondered what you really looked like underneath all that gear (in TT workouts). Gives me motivation to stick to my TT W/Os.

  2. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Ya it's nice to actually see ya and under natural lighting too!
    You have a great natural looking physique ! Show us more and frequently Remember you're suppose to be our inspiration!

  3. Hi Craig

    Excellent piece, I have been a long time fan of Tiger Woods and the fact he proves that Golf is a sport for ATHLETES, that's why he is the most successful golfer of the modern era. Hard work and dedication. I did a piece on my BLOG a few weeks back on Tiger... maybe your readers will appreciate the link...


    All the best

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Craig, I've been dying to see your six pack abs. You always wear those baggy clothes in your videos I didn't believe you were really in that great of shape...Well know I know the truth. You look fantastic. Thanks for the inspirational shot!

  5. Anonymous11:01 AM

    After seeing your photo without shirt I think you need to change your bio picture! It does not do you justice. That being said, for me it was your words, not your picture that made me a believer in you and TT.

  6. Anonymous10:02 AM

    wow you look great. I'm going to tell some of the guys at my job to check this out. They're always saying, "he's not even big why do you follow his stuff?" Surprise boys! Check ot CB!

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Hey Craig--you look great. I would kill for a body like yours. I am confused about how Turbulence Training works with the Muscle Gaining Secret Workouts that you mention you used to get that body.

  8. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Guess I don't get it. Not only do I not see a six-pack . . . I don't even see a 2-pack. You look pretty flabby in the middle to me and your arms look like sticks. Definition is fine but first build something to define. Since the "blog moderator" approves all comments, guess this one won't make it but I wanted you to get REAL feedback.

  9. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Looking good Craig! What the heck is anonymous yakking on about. Post a photo of yourself.

  10. This is for the question about how Turbulence Training works with Muscle Gaining Secrets...

    Most of the Turbulence Training programs are set up for fat loss and muscle maintenance or slight gains.

    The muscle Gaining secrets is set up for strictly building muscle (but you can modify it to go all out or to gain slowly if you fear body fat gains).

    In my personal experience, everything I had done up to the start of July was Turbulence Training based.

    This picture is after 6 weeks on Muscle Gaining Secrets.

    I'm trying it for a few reasons.

    First, to validate Jay's program

    Second, for a change of pace - Jay does more straight sets and less volume. Maybe I can learn something here.

    Let me know if you have more questions.

  11. Anonymous5:20 PM

    What a load of crap. You think Tiger Woods has a ton of time on his hands to work out? You ever stop to think about that aspect, or were you too busy bashing all the "normal joes" out there?

  12. Anonymous10:51 AM

    for you to say that there is no way that tiger woods is using steroids or some other drug for muscle building is naive. obviously the pga has instituted drug testing for some reason, and tiger is the mot muscular golfer on the tour... hmmmmm

  13. Anonymous10:51 AM

    for you to say that there is no way that tiger woods is using steroids or some other drug for muscle building is naive. obviously the pga has instituted drug testing for some reason, and tiger is the mot muscular golfer on the tour... hmmmmm

  14. the pga's drug testing is laughable at best. Tiger Woods is clearly juicing; his recovery from the knee surgery is the final proof. HGH is the only thing to aid ligament healing with any speed...you can't 'discipline' that.

  15. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Most athletes today are taking homeopathic hgh oral spray because it's safe, undetectable, and legal for over the counter sales. As time goes on it seems it might be considered as benign a performance enhancer as coffee, aspirin, red bull, chewing tobacco, and bubble gum.

  16. Steroid abuse disrupts the normal production of the hormones in the body causing both reversible and irreversible. I suspect steroids That Tiger Woods Used

  17. Steroids are muscle enhancer but there are precautions one should follow to attain it's great result.
