Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bodyweight DVD Disappointment

This could also be titled how to throw away $8000 and 2 weeks of work.

Through a series of rookie mistakes, camera malfunctions and my own stupidity, the entire 2 weeks we spent filming the 6-month bodyweight manual turned out to be a waste. Footage was lost, quality was sacrificed when we tried another camera, and I just wasnt happy with the overall results.

So back to the drawing board, or more specifically the workout floor next week when we'll start re-filming.

On the bright side...

a) You'll end up getting a far superior product

b) I learned some valuable lessons for future filming

c) we should be able to salvage some footage to make for some cool youtube videos

d) I've got more time to brainstorm some new bonuses to make the DVD package even better and more valuable to you

We should still have this done for mid-October, just in time to fight the holiday fat without having to go to the gym,

Dumbell and bodyweight fat loss workouts

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