Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Workout 2 from Ferruggias Program & Berardi's Advice

I'm eating a lot of Precision Nutrition Granola bars a friend made for me. And Dr. Berardi gave me the following personal nutrition tips. I emailed him and asked, "totally, whats your latest article on gaining mass? or should i refer to massive eating article from back in the day?"

John was nice enough to write back...

"I don't think I've got anything on the new article front...however, I think you'd benefit from the carb cycling approach discussed in PN V2.0.

I wouldn't worry too much about counting stuff...you'll have to eat a lot to pack on 25lbs (and, incidentally, for your body type, I'd use the ~25%P, ~55% C, ~20% fat approach). But I would cycle the kcals and carbs by eating 80% of suggested kcal/carbs on one day, 100% of suggested on the next, and 120% of suggested on the next.

Again, don't worry too much about counting stuff...the way I'd do it would be this...

1) Design a hypercaloric menu containing approx 25%p, 55%c, 20%f. You don't really have to count it out beyond the first week. Just ballpark it after that.

2) Eat this menu for a week straight.

3) Starting at the 2nd week, eat about 20% less food on the first day, all the food on the next, and 20% more on the next. Repeat.

4) Make sure that you're sipping a P+C drink or at least a BCAA drink during training

5) After training, repeat this OR have a high carb/protein meal. If I don't feel like having a P+C drink after training, I'll usually mix 3 types of whole grain/muselix/granola cereals, frozen berries, 2 scoops protein, soy milk and eat that.

5) Continue this until HYOOOOGE.

6) If you're gaining too fast, decrease all your intakes across the board

7) If you're not gaining fast enough, increase all your intakes across the board"

***John also wanted to mention, "...just make sure that your readers understand that this approach is for you, your body type, and your large amount of experience.

I'd likely take a different approach for those with less experience training and eating well, those who have less of an understanding of how their bodies work and how to change them."

So there you go...In all honesty, I probably won't be doing #4.

AND I don't plan on having a single protein shake during the entire muscle building transformation. Just milk. Chocolatey milk.

Now for my workout report...

Workout 2 from Phase 1 of Ferruggia Muscle Gaining program is a lot tougher than workout 1. Big upper body pump from some basic exercises. Surprisingly, Im not sore from Sunday's Leg Press workout. Lots of pulling exercises today, including deadlifts. A moderate rep range, compared to the higher rep ranges of Workout 1.

Good times all around,

More workout & nutrition advice from experts and CB

PS - Dont forget about Dr. Berardi's transformation thingy...sign up before July 16th.

Go HERE to get started

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