Monday, July 09, 2007

Turbulence Training Testimonial of the Month

The best Turbulence Training testimonial of June 2007 comes from Nick Walters of New York.

"I am in week 22 of my Turbulence Training fitness regimen and I have been in love with it ever since I started the first week of 2007. I am doing TT workouts/intervals three times a week and playing tennis on at least two of my off days. I am 6'3", 28/M and my starting weight/body fat% was 208/18.4%.

I started with the 30 Day Fat Loss Program where I noticed results almost instantly. Diet had a lot to do with it as well. I have been following Dr. Mohr's plan and following the 90/10 rule, as my wife and I like to "throw down" on the weekends. During the week, though, my diet is strict -eating lots of fruits/veggies (LOTS of Broccoli), natural almonds in prepackaged
snack sizes, lots of chicken, turkey breast, and post workout protein shakes.

After the 4 week Fat Loss program, I dove into the Original TT program. The mix of weight training with the high intensity intervals is the perfect fitness program. You are in and out of the gym in 1 hour and burn a ton of calories days after. Next I started the 4 week bodyweight which I finished while on vacation in Jamaica. I really didn't believe it would be difficult
until I started it. WOW what a burn!!

I have continued the TT programs,2K3 and am finishing up 2k4 this week. In these 5 months, I have upped my dumbell press weight 30 lbs from using 60s to 75s. I can't wait to start 2K5 next week and see where I can get my bench up to. After 22 weeks of TT, I am now down to 190 lbs and 10.8 % body fat. I would still like to put on 5 lbs. of muscle, but the way things are going, I know I can get there. Craig, thanks for the workouts, and keep 'em coming!!"
Nick Walters, New York, NY

Nick receives a 1-year Platinum Membership for this great testimonial. Thanks Nick, and keep those great results coming!

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