Saturday, June 23, 2007

Trainer to the Stars & New Moms...

Turbulence Training Members FREE Fat Loss Newsletter

Inside Issue #9...

1) Valerie Waters talks about training methods used with Hollywood Stars, and her inspirational success stories.

Valerie Waters has been in the fitness industry for almost 20 years now, and although she's worked with all types of people, she specializes in working with people in the entertainment industry in helping them prepare for movie roles, TV roles and photo shoots. (Click HERE to see Valerie's film credits!
I still absolutely love what I do. I get such a thrill out of changing people's bodies and seeing their lives change because of it.

CB: Great stuff Val, so how is it going?


I primarily focus on women, which is really my forte. As far as workouts go, most of my clients request a "long lean look." I think this is why yoga and Pilates is so popular right now, but I can get my clients to their ideal body much quicker through weight training.

CB: Good point. What are the biggest training and nutrition mistakes that your clients are making before they come to you?
The biggest mistake is not eating consistently or frequently enough.


This usually results from a lack of planning. I am a firm believer in eating 5-6 times a day, and in order for this to happen, you need to plan it out. Don't leave it to chance. Carry a cooler with your food for the day. As far as exercise goes, the biggest mistakes are not working out consistently enough, not working hard enough, or working too hard.

Without the correct combination of weight, reps and intensity may not achieve the results you are seeking. Your physical goals will determine your exercise prescription.

CB: Sounds like these people have difficult schedules. What advice do you give to someone that is so busy they can't do a normal workout for days or even weeks?
This depends on how you define a "normal" workout.


Twenty minutes consistently, goes farther than two hours, two times per week. Planning and having a well conceived program is really the key to making sure that you keep it up.

I have found that most who are successful at staying consistent, work out in the early morning.

CB: What advice do you give to clients that have to travel and can't always make it to the gym?
Many of my workouts aren't gym dependent, and don't require a ton of space.


If you are traveling, you can get outside and go for a run or you can set up a circuit in your hotel room. The circuit can consist of body weight squats, push ups, dips on a chair and crunches. All my clients travel with a Valslide and a miniband. Both are easily packed into your purse or suitcase, and will really add to your workouts.

CB: What are some of your most inspiring success stories (you don't have to mention any names if you don't want to)?
My biggest thrill is taking someone who has never really exercised, or doesn't like exercising, and making them realize how great it feels to workout.


Many of my clients have gained a new perspective on working out and have since become empowered by it. I have trained many non-runners to run their first 5K, and that has been really fun. But probably the most fun I've ever had was getting Jennifer Garner ready for Electra. I consider that my best work ever.

Click this link read the rest of Valerie Water's motivating interview.

2) Exercise Video Clip of the Week for Platinum Members: Bird Dog

This is a full body exercise that doesn't require equipment.

Click this link to watch the video "Bird Dog" & get the complete instructions.

3) Forum topic of the week: Off Day Nutrition.
I have been doing the TT program for 2 weeks now. I am happy to report that at the specific 2 week point, I have lost 5 lbs! I have followed the principles Dr. Mohr outlined, and also the email about substituting fruits and veggies for some whole grains. These tactics seem to be working so I will continue. I eat pretty well on training days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), but am a little confused about off days (Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday). My specific questions are: How should I eat on 'Off-Days'? Should I decrease or increase my intake of anything(whole grains, carbs, protein, fat)?


CB: That you have some type of post-workout drink on your training days? If so, I would just eliminate that...if not, then go by appetite and energy to cut back a little bit if necessary. What is your eating schedule on training days? I do have a post-workout drink on training days. I use Optimum nutrition whey protein, with nonfat milk, and maybe a banana or some natural peanut butter. On training days, my meal plan usually looks like this:

Congrats on the great results.


Meal 1: Omelet made with spinach, turkey, broccoli?1 piece of fruit?1 cup of skim milk.

Meal 2: 1/2 cup of 1% cottage cheese, handful of nuts, some berries.


Meal 3: Post Workout Shake.

Meal 4: Tuna Patty (2 egg whites and a can of tuna) 2 slices whole-wheat bread.

Meal 5: Boneless Breast Mixed Green Salad.

Meal 6: Yogurt Berries Nuts.

I drink a lot of water, and I supplement with a multivitamin and fish oil capsules. My appetite is pretty satisfied using this formula, and I don't ever feel rundown. So I think I will just eliminate the Post Workout Shake and I should be fine. Should I add any supplements or is the fish oil/multivitamin combo usually enough?

CB: I think you've got the right plan there! Maybe a little more vegetables with the tuna sandwich and dinner - i.e. some peppers and spinach. Thanks a lot...I will try to get a lil more veggies in there!


Read the rest of the forums, including a discussion on what and when to eat before a 10k run, HERE.

4) Workout of the Month - June 2007: The TT "Synergy Fat Loss" Workout

More than Fusion...this uses the power of powerful lifting, free weights, bodyweight exercises, and some of my favorite NEW techniques for fat loss.

This 3 day program also includes a NEW ab training program. You know that those are few and far between here on, so enjoy this special treat. It will give your abs a challenge, big-time!

5) What's Coming Soon on

A special kettlebell workout coming from David Whitley, RKC.

Support the Fight Against Cancer Please visit and support the fight against cancer by purchasing your own copy of Lift Strong - a CD-ROM packed with inspirational and educational articles about training, overcoming the odds, and winning at life.

Thanks for reading this week's newsletter.

To become a member, click here:


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Author, Turbulence Training

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