Thursday, June 07, 2007

Post Workout Nutrition to Gain Muscle & Lose Fat

Are post-workout nutrition drinks all hype?

I think so.

I mean, if you compared chocolate milk to the most expensive post-workout nutrition drink you could buy, you wouldn't see any difference in results.

It's like comparing a hammer made out of gold against a regular hammer. They both drive nails just as well, but one just costs more.

Don't get me wrong, eating after your workouts is very important for building muscle. I just call "B.S." on the need for any fancy amino acids or special type of carbohydrates.  

If you want to gain muscle - just eat. Don't worry about buying the most expensive post-workout product on the market.

Chocolate milk will work just as well. And plain old creatine should work just as well for you as any fancy concoction, if you take immediately after training with your post-workout drink.

Still having troubles gaining weight?

Follow this simple trick. Have your regular post-workout shake immediately after training. Then 15-20 minutes later, have it again. Then continue on with your regular meals. Don't let the extra shake prevent you from eating your normal amount of food. You can also add in a little more food pre-workout.

Here's some good advice I lifted from strength coach Ian King. If you are trying to gain weight, simply train on as much food as possible. Now obviously you aren't going to eat a full meal before your TT for Mass leg workouts, but don't go to the gym on an empty stomach.

So get started now building muscle for summer with the basic exercises and a simple nutrition plan. For your workouts, use the new, LOWER PRICED, TT for Mass package to build a thick, impressive chest, and bigger arms for this summer's gun show.

The new TT for Mass package comes with new workouts, showing you:

  • The best way to incorporate Olympic Lifting Exercises into your Muscle Building Program so that you also build raw power, explosiveness, and strength
  • A 3-day routine that is guaranteed to pack on the mass
  • A hardcore 4-day mass building workout that will make you king of the beach - check out 2 previous TT Mass Monsters here. These guys used TT for Mass programs to prepare for their beach holidays...and let's just say that TT came through.

    "The training program provided to me by CB allowed me to refocus on my workouts and obtain the best and fastest results of my life. In fact, I gained muscle and got leaner at the same time. I would STRONGLY encourage bodybuilders and strength athletes of all experience levels to use these programs."
    Matt Spino, Sales Manager, Toronto

    Plan ahead and eat your way to a better body,


    By the way...
    As a bonus in the TT for Mass package, you also get the TT Muscle Building Nutrition Guidelines and the TT Supplement Research Update. I'll bet that I'll save you ten's or even hundred's of dollars that you'd otherwise waste on ineffective supplements - giving you an immediate return on your investment in this program.

    Click here to get started with your TT for Mass workouts.

    "As a former university athlete and personal trainer myself, I have seen many programs claim to add size and strength, speed and power. As a Physical Education teacher, I educate students so that they can make informed decisions about their own health, nutrition and physical development. Busy with work, coaching volleyball, basketball and track and my own continuing education, I've been in a bit of a rut lately with my own training. At 6'6'', 230 lb (around 10.5-11% bf), I've struggled to add any size to my physique with a job that has me running with kids all day. Craig's Turbulence Training for Mass has really helped structure what free time I have as efficiently as possible allowing me to get the most out of my workouts. I have added noticeable size in just the first four weeks of the program and look forward to the results of the next twelve. The structure of the program allows me push each body part hard while getting adequate rest. With John Berardi's Gourmet Nutrition fueling my workouts, TT for Mass has given me that drive in the gym that I've been missing while floating through maintenance workouts the last four years. Thanks Craig."
    Jason McBride, Dubai, UAE 

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