Monday, June 25, 2007

Politically Incorrect Nutrition

You're still confused about your nutrition, aren't you?

Okay, just follow these steps. It's the simplest, and probably most effective way for figuring out what you need to eat to lose fat and maintain your sculpted muscle. 

1) Identify whether or not you are losing fat at your current intake (average 7-day intake).

If you are losing fat or if you are at least maintaining your weight, stay with this level and work through steps 2 to 4.

For people reading this that were gaining weight (i.e. someone that is new to a fat loss workout and nutrition program), start by decreasing your calories by 25%.

NOTE: Most people in this situation won't even know their calories, so use Fitday to find out your average daily intake - make sure to input 7-day total to get your average calorie intake for the week.

2) Focus on eating the right foods (only fruits, vegetables, protein, some dairy, nuts, healthy fats).

Nothing processed. Make sure your diet is "right on" before messing with calories.

3) Focus on 90% compliance.

If you are not 90%, hit this before tackling calories.

4) Once you have mastered 2 & 3, and if you still aren't losing fat, then start by decreasing calories 10%.

5) Re-evaluate after 2 weeks.

That's it.



PS - What nutrition mindset does Dr. Chris Mohr recommend?

In this hour long audio interview, Chris and I discuss the essential characteristics of his weight loss clients, as well as the maximum amount of protein and calories overweight men and women should be eating, AND he tells me what he really thinks about MY diet secret.

Listen to Dr. Chris Mohr's Fat Loss Nutrition Interview HERE 

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