Friday, June 15, 2007

My favorite Exercise workout

No, not bench press.

My favorite exercise is the trap bar deadlift. Its an honest lift.

But then I had to go and ruin the workout by including my least favorite exercise, the Front Squat.

1) Full Snatch (3x5)

2a) Trap Bar Deadlift (3x5) - 355
2b) Close-Grip Rack Lockout (3x5) -245

3) front Squat (3x10) - 175 - argh.

4a) RDL (3x8) - 200
4b) cable ab crunch (2x20)
4c) straight arm pulldown (3x12)

Not bad,


Ps happys fathers day


  1. I looked at the exercise on, but I don't think I see the difference between a trap bar deadlift and a regular deadlift. (Or what I think of as "regular"). Is the trap bar doing something advantageous?

    Haven't ever done a front squat, but I'm in the process of building a squat rack in my garage, so I'll give it a try - I have a hard time with the flexibility to put the bar behind my neck anyway.

  2. I'm jealous you have access to a trap bar.

    It makes Deadlifts way better for me, as I find the hand positioning to be ideal.

    Are you stonger with the trap bar deadlift then you are with a conventional dead?

  3. Marla, here's a pic of the trap bar in use by an athlete at Joe DeFranco's gym:

    Its easier to get set up with this than a regular deadlift.

    And yeah brad, i am stronger this way. It's less awkward. But I'm talking less than 5% stronger.

