Friday, May 18, 2007

Intense Fat Burning Circuit

Just wrote up a fat burning circuit workout for Women's Health magazine, and decided I'd give you an advance look at a slightly different version of the fat loss workout you can add to the end of your current program - if you are advanced only.

We put this together because the 300 workout from MH was super popular, the main reason being the challenge it put out there. The workout was measurable and comparable. Let's do the same here...with some fun exercises that will push you to the limit.

Do this circuit at the end of a short strength workout. In week 1, do the circuit only once in a single workout. In week 2, you can do it twice in a single workout.

Repeat the circuit twice without any rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute between circuits when you do 2 in a single workout.

NOTE: This is for advanced fitness levels only.

Let me know how it goes.

1) Medicine Ball Slams
Take a 4-6lbs medicine ball and hold it in both hands at your belly button. Step forward with one foot and lift the ball up over your head. As you plant your foot down, slam the ball into the ground (set up a couple of mats if you are doing this in a gym to dampen the sound). It will look like you are doing a soccer throw-in, but slamming it straight down instead of throwing for distance. After you've done this, race and retrieve the ball and repeat for a total of 8 slams.

2) Squat Jumps
Stand with your hands clasped behind your head and feet shoulder width apart. Drop your hips and do a quarter squat then jump up as high as possible. Land with your knees bent and hips back to help your muscles absorb the force. Straighten up and repeat for 6 total jumps.

3) Inverted Row
Set a bar just below hip height in a squat rack or smith machine. Lie on the ground with your chest under the bar. Grab the bar with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keep your body in a straight line and row yourself up to the top position. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Repeat for 15 repetitions. You won't be able to do 15 in one set (most likely), so rest 10 seconds and do some more. Continue in this fashion till you hit 15 reps. You can do the beginner version with bent knees if you want.

4) Decline Pushups, Regular pushups, or kneeling pushups
Place your feet on a bench and hands on the ground, just wider than shoulder width apart. Keep your abs braced and do 20 decline pushups, taking your forehead within 2 inches of the floor. Use the same rest pause routine as with the inverted rows. If you can't do decline, do regular pushups, or
kneeling if you can't do regular. 

Don't do it if its too hard for you,


PS - Do you want access to un-censored interviews with the top fat loss experts in the business?

Recently, I published an interview that didn't agree with my point of view on intervals. A reader asked why I would do that...and I said, my membership interviews & discussion forums are uncensored!

I am giving you ALL of the best fat loss info, and I'm not holding anything back just because it doesn't make me look good!

This fat loss site is all about your results!

Take a look at these interviews you'll get for only $9.95 per month...(BUT NOTE: The price is increasing to $19.95 per month in June, but if you subscribe by May 31st at only $9.95, you will save ten dollars each month).

Take a look at the latest news to hit the members site...

The Precision Nutrition Fat Loss Program
An interview with Carter Schoffer, from, Carter shares with us his knowledge on training, and how to be effective with your workouts. He also takes time to share with us how he likes to formulate his routines. . . . keep reading

6 Fat Burning Hormones & How They Influence Your Weight Loss
Are you an ovarian body type? Do you have the classic men's belly? How can you control your hormones to lose weight? All of this and more... . . . keep reading

Fat Loss Teleseminar #1
The first TT Member's teleseminar featuring Craig Ballantyne explaining Turbulence Training for Fat Loss, how to do interval training and how to use Turbulence Training for bootcamps. . . . keep reading

Optimal Hormone Health for Weight Loss
Are your hormones holding you back from burning fat? This interview is for both men and women, who can learn about how hormones can put your fat loss on hold. So learn how to optimize your hormones for fat burning. . . . keep reading

Issue #6 - The Toughest Leg Exercise Ever
Cast your vote...the world's toughest leg exercise...and the new TT "300" workout...all in the latest edition of the free newsletter. . . . keep reading


  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Ihr habt eine schoene Webseite hier, und vielciht schaut Ihr euch auchmal meine an, ok Sex im Internet ist nicht jedermans Sache, aber eben meine erste Homepage. Danke und macht weiter so!

  2. Interesting method, how much faster do you think the results can be shown.
