Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How Much Protein Do I Need

First off, I just want to mention that Platinum Members can now watch ALL of the TT for Fat Loss workouts on video HERE



And now, the #1 question on protein ever asked in the history of ever...

Q: How many grams of protein can you digest at one time?

Ready for a long-winded scientific answer?

Your body will digest and absorb almost all of the protein you eat, no matter how much you eat at once.

The real question people mean to ask, is how much protein can your body use at once.

That number is probably quite small - although I don't know the specifics.

So if someone eats a lot of protein at once, say a large steak or one of those massive protein shakes that contain more than 30g of protein per serving, your body cuts the nitrogen off the amino acid and now has a "carbon skeleton" it can use for energy production.

So back in the day, scientists and nutritionists would use this info to justify their argument that "too much protein" is a waste of money and that it was "wrong" to eat a lot of protein.


We now know that protein helps control the, its not "wrong", provided it is done for the right reasons.

Ironically, the people that probably need less protein are guys that want to gain muscle. Another long story.

Anyways, bottom line: Stick to 20-30 grams of protein in each of your mini-meals per day. If you can only get 10g at one meal, don't stress, that's fine too.

Just look at the big picture and try to match your daily calorie, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake with your goals, and try to spread things out in as many "mixed" meals as possible.

As a general recommendation to everyone...
To make it even simpler, just stick to the whole, natural foods approach and everything will work out. Its often that simple, without worrying about grams of this and grams of that.

Its hard to eat too much of anything if you focus on a variety of the right foods.

Let me know if I've confused you even more!

Q: Can you explain the membership levels at

There are two levels, Basic & Platinum.

As a Basic Level monthly member, you have access to...

  • The Workout of the Month Department
  • The Fat Loss Interviews
  • The Teleseminars
  • The Discussion Forums.

Platinum Members get access to ALL of the above plus...

  • The Turbulence Training Workout Library (All of the TT Manuals)
  • The Turbulence Training Workout Videos
  • The Turbulence Training Exercise Video Clips
  • The NEW Turbulence Training Bonuses (available only till June 7th)
  • The Upcoming TT Webinars (where we will go over exercise form)

And remember, you only have 48 hours to lock in your membership at the current low, low rates,



Don't kick yourself later for missing out on this chance today! 

I see so many people stumbling through their workouts, and I'd hate for you to be someone that isn't make any improvements from month to month. All that time wasted, what a shame...

Don't forget about the membership increase taking place at the end of May...

  • The 1-year Platinum Level Membership will go to $297 for 12 months from $147.
  • The monthly Basic Level Membership will go to $19.95 per month from $9.95.

Become a TTMember today!

Here's what our latest member from Down-Under has to say...

"I'm 25 and was seriously overweight at the start of this year. On the 2nd of January I weighed in at 92kg (202lbs). I'm about 5'10"-5-11" and was very unhappy with myself. So I scoured the internet for advice and came upon the Men's Health site which then lead me to Turbulence Training?I've been doing the TT for Fat Loss Workouts and I'm up to the Original TT Workout. Well I now weigh 79.3kg after 5 months of training. I've lost nearly 28lbs. I want to take this opportunity to thank Craig for making your knowledge so accessible and your articles and blogs that not only make us think about our lifestyles, but encourage us to change them for better health."
Kevin Thow, Sydney, Australia

And yes, Turbulence Training works for women as well...

"I just wanted to share what happened in the gym today with you because it made my day! I am currently in week 2, phase 2 of the TT for Female Strength. I was doing my workout in the small gym at work and I had two men come over and tell me that I was intimdating them!! One of them even told me he was going over to the other side to work out because he felt I was showing him up! I also cheated and tried to do a full chinup after my warm up and I managed one. Yippeee! I am on top of the world right now thanks to you." 
Heidi Sinclair

Become a TTMember today!


  1. Nice little testimonial there!

    And it's the honest truth!

    Kevin :)

  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    This is something I have been trying to figure out lately. I try to keep my protein at 1 gram per body weight. That seems to do the trick!
