Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How Many Reps Are Best?

Three sets of 12 is the classic recommendation for a strength training program. But listen Supertramp, I'm just not down with the classics.

That's why I follow the latest research to make sure your Turbulence Training programs are using the most effective methods for metabolism boosting, fat burning workouts.

So what we know now is 8 reps per set is better than 12. And this research was done in women - so yes, Turbulence Training works for women as well.

That makes this... 

Secret #2 - Use a range of repetitions in your strength training workouts.

In order to train more muscle fibers and burn more carbohydrates, I have clients use a range of repetitions within the same workout. My workouts now use 6, 8, and 12 reps per set in order to work the muscle the most effectively.

This will burn more carbohydrates and promote as much muscle growth as possible when you are keeping the calories low.

Strength training will boost your metabolism after training and help you change your body for the better.

And you can do this in only 10 minutes. Let's say you're strapped for time. Just choose the two of the most effective exercises, say...

1A) Squats
1B) DB Rows


1A) DB RDL's
1B) DB Presses

And BOOM!...you have a metabolism boosting 10-minute training session.

You have no idea how simple this is, so don't let anyone make fat burning a complicated issue,

Craig Ballantyne
Author, Turbulence Training

P.S. You want the coolest workout going?

The May 2007 TT "300" workout is a blast. It's a challenge, it works, and it's fast. Click HERE to get the May 300 Workout

And become part of the fat loss social support group in our discussion forums. You can read one woman's experiences with the TT 300, or this post on how to use John Berardi's compliance grid, or ALL the latest fat loss interviews

See you on the TT forums!

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