Friday, May 11, 2007

Friday Workout back in Toronto

Back from a nice trip to Maryland, beautiful weather, good people...the only letdown...I didn't make it to Chipotle - my favorite on-the-go fuel station. I don't think we have these. In Canada - someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I spent a lot of time with John DuCane of, talking about Qi Gong, kettlebells, and bodyweight exercise.

John gave me one of Pavel's latest newsletters, leading to today's personal best...

But for today's workout, its back to the weights...I've made some strides with my bench

1) DL (5x1)
Used the warm-up recommended in Pavel's newletter

352 double overhand - new record, and not even a full challenge on my grip - excellent

402 - not a record, but good for alternate grip

2a) front squat (3x4) - 205 - brutal the squat (all forms) is my worst execise, but front squats the worst 2b) floor press (3x6,4,

Notice the difference the leg drive and set up make for the floor press vs rwgular bench - big drop off in reps - review mondays workout for more info

3a) assisted 1-leg squat
3b) pushups ()
3c) pullups
3d) KB sidebends


CB for Pavel's stuff

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