Thursday, May 17, 2007

Fat Loss Tip #4: The #1 Rule?

Eat 6 Small Meals of Whole, Natural Foods

Fruits and vegetables, protein, nuts, and healthy fats. It's that simple. Don't spend another dollar on "the latest diet". You ALREADY KNOW what to do! 

Don't skip breakfast, have some snacks during the day, and get a little protein at each meal.

Hopefully you know this by now...but if you don't, here's... 

Secret #4 - Increase meal frequency

Okay, so this isn't really a secret to anyone that has read about fat loss. A 2005 study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that eating 6 times per day was associated with eating fewer calories per day, lowering cholesterol levels, and lowering post-meal insulin levels.

Combine an increased meal frequency with an increased protein and fiber intake, and you'll see your body composition improve rapidly.

If you need more nutrition help, then you'll love the new Turbulence Training Nutrition Guide for Men & Women - written by Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D. This report comes with Turbulence Training for Fat Loss or as a bonus to all members at

See below for more details...


Craig Ballantyne
Author, Turbulence Training

P.S. Big Nutrition Announcement!

The Turbulence Training Nutrition Guide for Men & Women - written by Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., is ready for you.

Here are just some of the things you'll learn from Dr. Mohr...

1) How to calculate your calorie needs (p. 6)

2) Calorie recommendations for obese individuals (p.7)

3) The 23 types of sugar (many hidden!) to avoid (p. 9)

4) The 20 whole-grain sources to fuel your fat loss program (p9)

5) Over 60 fruits and vegetables that should be added to your diet (p. 10)

6) The 16 protein sources you should select most often (p. 13)

7) Shocking trans-fat content of 18 common foods - find out which food is the deadliest in terms of fat content (p. 16)

8 ) The 9 Fat Sources you should select most often (p. 17)

9) Dr. Mohr's 12 Rules for Fat Loss (p. 18)

10) The TT Nutrition Plan for Men (p. 19)

11) The TT Nutrition Plan for Women (p. 23)

12) Bonus Supplement Report: The Truth About Fat Loss Pills (p. 27)

You can still lose fat before Memorial Day with TT Nutrition & the Turbulence Training Fat Loss Workouts 

My best workouts to help you get your summer abs are in the TT for Fat Loss program.

Click here to get started building your summer body today.

"Been using TT 4 years, love the newsletters, i use the 2K3 all the time, started off with the original ages ago. I lost 16kg in around 2 years & i'm 38yrs old!"

"In November of 2005, I noticed that I had put on a significant amount of weight. I had avoided getting on the scale b/c I was afraid to see how bad the # was.  With my job, I had many client lunches/dinners frequently and I wasn't taking into the consideration of how much it was impacting my weight.  I was still working out, but didn't have a solid program that I committed to. I went to the gym when I had time.

When I finally got on the scale I noticed that my weight hit an all time high of 228lbs!!! Not good, when I know my optimal weight for my frame is 210lbs.

The last 3 months I committed to Turbulence Training and made some modifications to my diet outlined in CBs program. What I realized is that the workouts were more intense, I burned more calories and I made it out of the gym in less time then I previously did. This worked well for my busy schedule and it was simple to commit to this program.

After a 3 month commitment, I am happy to say I am now back at 210lbs and feel better then I have in years. All thanks to the TT program. I have tried many programs and this is the most effective and simple program I have ever used. I recommend to anyone that faces the same busy work/personal life that I do."
Dion Guerin, Sales Manager, Toronto

Click here to get started building your summer body today.

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