Monday, May 07, 2007

Fat Loss for Busy People

Over the years I've met many men and women, of all shapes and sizes, at all levels of fitness. 

And each was struggling with their fitness & fat loss goals for similar, but slightly different reasons.

First, let's start the busy man or woman that works long hours, isn't sure what to eat, and doesn't really know where to begin an exercise program. Plus, they have a tight budget. 

Essentially, it's as if these people are stuck trying to move a large boulder uphill, but they just don't know how to get things moving.

Every quick-fix weight loss headline screams at them in the grocery checkout line. All the bad experiences from phys-ed or their initial attempts at working out in a commercial gym come back to haunt them.

And so they remain. Going nowhere, but obsessing about changing their bodies.

But where can they find the time, they think, as they drive to work for an hour each morning. Why did I eat that crap at lunch, they think as they drive home at night.

Where do I start?!?!?! No matter how calm someone says that to me, it comes out as a frustrated scream, with increasing intensity for each year that their dream body has been suppressed.

So I say to them, and to you, just try and do better today than you did yesterday - this applies to everyone.

After all, you can't do anything about yesterday.

So have an apple today if you didn't have one yesterday. Only 90g of protein yesterday? Try for 110 grams of protein today.

Only 1 vegetable yesterday? Try for 2-3 servings of vegetables today.

Slept through the alarm this morning and missed your workout? Set it again tonight, and set your workout clothes on a chair so you can jump into them in the AM.

And so on. I tell these people over and over that you can make your greatest fat loss gains simply by eating better. Eat foods in their natural state -- fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts (raw, not roasted in oil).

For exercise, there are a wide variety of bodyweight exercises that you can do anywhere. Squats, pushups, bodyweight rows, split squats, planks, side planks, Bird Dogs, lunges, etc. Stability balls are cheap, and can be found at Walmart. Second hand sports stores offer cheap dumbbell alternatives.

For men, you can even gain upper body muscle with a consistent regimen of advanced upper body pushes and pulls, including dips, chins, Shoulder-press pushups, and pull-ups. 

With consistent exercise and natural nutrition, you could literally start seeing changes in his body in days, let alone months.

Just think, where could you be in 12 months, wait - 12 weeks - even 12 DAYS from now - if you improved your eating and exercise habits everyday? 

One day, one step, one meal, one workout - at a time,


PS. Does Turbulence Training come with nutrition guidelines?

You better believe it. Dr. Chris Mohr takes you step-by-step through the simple things you need to do in order to eat for fat loss.

Here are just some of the things you'll learn from Dr. Mohr...

1) How to calculate your calorie needs (p. 6)

2) Calorie recommendations for obese individuals (p.7)

3) The 23 types of sugar (many hidden!) to avoid (p. 9)

4) The 20 whole-grain sources to fuel your fat loss program (p9)

5) Over 60 fruits and vegetables that should be added to your diet (p. 10)

6) The 16 protein sources you should select most often (p. 13)

7) Shocking trans-fat content of 18 common foods - find out which food is the deadliest in terms of fat content (p. 16)

8 ) The 9 Fat Sources you should select most often (p. 17)

9) Dr. Mohr's 12 Rules for Fat Loss (p. 18)

10) The TT Nutrition Plan for Men (p. 19)

11) The TT Nutrition Plan for Women (p. 23)

12) Bonus Supplement Report: The Truth About Fat Loss Pills (p. 27)

And the best part is that you can download all of these from the web in just minutes and start using these techniques today!

Get Turbulence Training & the Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines today!



  1. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I really like some of the attitude tips that you've put here. Too many people let themselves fail rather than taking things one day at a time. Thanks for sharing these good tips!

  2. Anonymous4:51 AM

    I agree with you. Doing better than yesterday is one good way of doing it slowly. We need to start in small amounts and gradually increase it.

  3. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Great tips. Aside from your tips, I think they also need to see a fitness expert inorder to evaluate their condition and give them the right exercise to start with.
