Friday, May 04, 2007

Does Fruit Make You Fat?

Let me be clear...eating fruit DOES NOT make you fat, but if you make the following mistake this TT Member is making, you can make your fat loss program harder than it needs to be...

Q: Hi Craig, your programs are so awesome. Can fruit make you fat? I have recently bought a juicer and I love making crazy fruit juices for breakfast. BUT my friend told me that fruit has lots of sugar and can contribute to weight gain!

I recommend only eating fruit, and not "juicing" several pieces of fruit into only the juice. Every piece of fruit (i.e. an average orange) contains about 75 calories, all from sugar.

So if you throw in several large pieces of fruit into a juicer and drink 2 cups of juice, you'll be sucking down a couple hundred calories worth of sugar. Instead, eat 3-4 pieces of high-fiber fruit over the course of the day.

So eat fruit, but don't overdose on sugar.

Q: I like to run 5-8 miles a few times a week, if I do Turbulence Training 3x per week and run on the others will that disrupt the training? My goal is get lean and add muscle but I enjoy running. The Turbulence Training site seems to be anti-cardio like running?


I'm "anti-time wasting", not always "anti-cardio". So if someone only has 2.5-3 hours per week for exercise, than cardio is a waste of time. But if you have extra time, feel free to run on off-days. I encourage everyone to be active for at least 30 minutes on off days. If you find that you are having a hard time building the muscle you want, then reduce the amount of cardio you are doing.

Q: I just wanted to let you know that I am having the best time with TT. I can't do pullups yet, so what other back exercises can I do at home?

Training your back muscles at home is very difficult without a seated rowing cable set-up...which is why i put together this YouTube video on dumbbell back exercises

Q: I am about to start the 2K3 set having completed the Original TT. I would like to substitute the Shrug exercise, what would you suggest?

Rear Deltoid Raise, or Inverted Bodyweight Row, or dumbbell row.

Q: Am I going to be able to make significant muscle gains on TT or is this more of a weight loss program?

If you want muscle gains only, download the April 2007 TT Workout - Dumbbell Muscle Building at Home. Become a TT Member to download this workout.

Q: How much weight I should be lifting?

It is impossible for me to recommend how much weight you should use without training you in person...So, simply start with a very light weight for your warm-up set. Then in your next set, try something a little heavier.

If that is too easier, go a little heavier yet. And so on and so forth until you arrive at the weight which challenges you for the correct number of repetitions.

Q: I am 5'11", and I weigh 290. I used to work out all the time, but I haven't worked out for about 4 years. What workout do you recommend I start with?

Start with the very first Introductory Workout. Please be conservative. Work on your nutrition for fast results. Train safe!

Q: How do I become a Platinum Member? I joined as a monthly member to give it a try and realize now that i want the info in the Platinum level. THanks.

Thanks for your email!

If you would like to upgrade, visit THIS form to renewchoose the Platinum plan. But hurry, the plan goes up at the end of May.

Much more Q'n'A on the member's site,


PS - Did you know there is a sneaky way to get some old monthly workouts on

If you want to see the videos of how to do the February, March, and April TT workouts, simply go to the TT Member's Discussion Forums and look for the links to the Videos. That way, you can see how all the exercises are done and the order in which to do them. All without "really" paying for them!

PPS - Have you tried the Triple Threat Fat Loss workout yet?

Learn this intense workout method from trainer Keith Scott. It's a 3-step approach to burning stubborn fat. Very intense. Very effective. Find out how to blast fat today!

Q: I want to burn about 2 lbs of fat per week. So I need to burn like 1000 cals per day in my workouts...that means for cardio I have to spend an hour on the machines so I can burn 700cals and then I would have to do weight training every day to burn the extra 300 cals. I can totally do it, but I was wondering what your thoughts were on the matter. Thanks


I could not disagree more with your approach to exercise. Please visit the
TT Discussion Forums to learn more about a better, faster way to lose fat and save time. Also, listen to my recent one hour, no-cost female fat loss teleseminar HERE


  1. Anonymous9:09 PM

    This program rocks! I use Turbulence Training along with the The Rower, switching up weekly and I am in the best shape of my life!

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Certain fruits like bananas and avocadoes are not easy to juice because they don't retain very much water. If you would like to use these fruits, or even dried fruits, they are better placed in a blender.Juicers
