Wednesday, May 02, 2007

CB vs. Earl: Thursday Night Royal Rumble

For those of you that don't know, there's a funny little show on Thursday nights at 8pm called, "My Name is Earl". And yes, I've watched it a couple of times.

But this Thursday night at 8pm, CB's going head-to-head against Earl. And chances are if you're reading this newsletter, you'll want to tune in to Channel CB rather than Earl.

That's right, I'm doing my first "live show" - my first Turbulence Training teleseminar for members only from 8pm to 9pm. During the call I'm going to discuss...

  • The background behind Turbulence Training
  • The RIGHT WAY to set Goals
  • Why the cardio mindset can hurt your fat loss efforts
  • How even beginners can do intervals
  • Sample Turbulence Training workout structure
  • How much weight to use in each exercise and when to increase the weights
  • The "Goldilocks Training System"

Click HERE to get the number to call for the teleseminar 

(NOTE: This call is open to TT Members only.)

Become a TT Member today!

I look forward to speaking with you on Thursday,


PS - There is still time to submit your question for the teleseminar...

If you can't make the call but want me to answer your burning question about fat loss and Turbulence Training, just post your question on the TT discussion forum HERE 

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