Sunday, May 13, 2007

7-Day Weight Loss: Fat Burning Exercise of the Week

Let me explain Turbulence Training & the best fat loss methods over the phone...

I've started doing monthly teleseminars on - at least one per month where I explain all the details of the Turbulence Training system and I even answer TTmember's questions live on the phone - all part of the tiny investment of $9.95 per month to be a member. It's a no-brainer. 

If you wait till June, it will be $19.95 per month. So sign-up for less than 10 bucks today HERE (don't forget, you'll also be able to download the workout of the month, learn from the discussion forums, and read fat loss secrets from experts each week).

In the teleseminars, you'll learn exactly how to do the TT workouts to lose the most fat and get the most results in the least amount of time, as well as why a "cardio mindset" will actually hurt your fat loss efforts.

Each call is an "Everything you need to know" about Turbulence Training information session.

Now onto this week's lesson:

Don't make the mistake of thinking that you are only on your fat loss program for 3 hours a week (i.e. when you are exercising).

Your results are determined by what you do in all of the 168 hours of each week. Remember that each time you shop for food, prepare your lunch for the next day, and open the fridge.

By doing so, one of my upcoming female success story clients has lost 5lbs in only 2 weeks. Simply through consistency to proper eating and the TT workout guidelines.

And Ladies, Happy Mother's Day. Give yourself a treat and become a TTMember this month - the fat loss expert interviews will feature THREE Q'n'A sessions with experts on how female hormones contribute to fat gain and prevent fat loss - AND what you can do about it.

Become a member HERE 

And now, everyone's tips for the next 7 days to move towards lifelong healthy habits...towards living the Turbulence Training lifestyle.


In today's TT workout, choose an alternative form of interval cardio for this workout. For example, if you are a beginner, and you have been using only the elliptical machine for cardio, try and use a better piece of equipment such as the treadmill or the stationary cycle - or even get outside and walk some hills.


This is called cross-training and helps avoid overuse injuries caused by doing the same thing over and over again when you aren't prepared for it.


If you are advanced, try some of the bodyweight circuits. I recommend Phase 2 of the 6-Month Bodyweight Manual for some of the best fat-blasting bodyweight circuits.


30 minute of activity. Could be more bodyweight circuits or your favorite outdoor spring activity. Just stay active and avoid the couch!



Add the exercise of the week to today's TT workout. This week, try the Elevated Pushup (found here). This can be done kneeling for beginners. Add this at the end of your workout before your intervals. Do 8 reps for one side, rest 15 seconds, then 8 for the other. Rest 30 seconds then repeat 2 more times.


30 minutes of activity followed by some spring cleaning for your pantry. Clean it out and get rid of the junk. Throw it out. That's where garbage food belongs. In the garbage. Don't buy it again.


Yes, you'll probably find yourself looking through your cupboards for a tasty snack on Saturday afternoon or Monday night, just like I do, but if we don't have it on hand, we can't eat it.


After you have cleaned out your pantry, prepare a healthy shopping list. Complete a 7-day food entry on and review the results to help you organize your shopping list.



Finish your last TT workout for the week. Have some fun at the end. Add a set of your favorite exercise (biceps curls, abs, whatever - just for fun).



30 minutes of exercise with your Social Support Group. Swap recipes at the same time. Bring home something new to put in your healthy cooking arsenal.


Plan, shop, and prepare.


People - Get the sugar out of your grocery list!


I did my shopping on Friday afternoon and I could not believe the number of overweight people walking out with processed snacks, tubs of fruit "drink" (not even fruit juice), processed cereals, and not a single REAL food to be found.


Please, take your grocery shopping to the next level. Buy REAL food.


And add a new vegetable to dinner tonight - bok choy, asparagus, orange peppers, whatever. Make sure to include 1 new fruit and 1 new vegetable in your grocery list.

Get preppin for fat loss,


Don't forget...Bodyweight works for men & women...

"I have been pretty religiously following the 6 month bodyweight program and have really enjoyed it.  In phase 4 now, and I have been able to maintain my weight (an issue for me) and even gain a little strength with only 3 30min workouts a week - which is great because I used to work out 4 or 5 days a week for 1.5 hours.  With 3 kids under 5 - I need the time!  Thank you - Thank you!"
Steve Nykerk

"I was looking for an intense bodyweight program to use before I start a rehab program and give me a needed break from the boredom of working out at the gym while the weather was warming up. Phase 3 of your 6 month bodyweight manual is perfect for my goals. With the full body workouts and mostly unilateral work, it fit all my rehab guidelines. Wow, I never realized how much the different push-up variations worked my abs!  Yesterday was a beautiful day, so I took your program, a swiss ball, and my boyfriend to the park for some TT BW for 2. It was a great outdoor workout for both of us, and a fun way for a couple to enjoy the outdoors together and get a workout in at the same time. Looking forward to trying phase 4 and beyond!"
Christine Johnson

Everyone can workout in the comfort of their own home with the 6-Month Bodyweight Workout Manuals.

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