Sunday, May 27, 2007

7-Day Guide: Ab Exercise of the Week

I'll be honest, I don't do a lot of ab training in my workouts. And I know that really freaks out some of my new clients that have come from high-volume ab programs in the past...

But knowing what I know, I just can't justify a lot of mindless ab crunching in my programs. For more details, I put together a short instructional video for you to watch on Youtube:

Ab Training Exercise Video

Now here are your guidelines for this week to start improving your health and your body.


Well, if you are on the Memorial holiday today, you can either take a well-deserved rest break or do a bodyweight workout. If you don't have the manual, simply do the Y-Squat, Prisoner Forward Lunge, Decline Pushup, and Mountain Climber. You can find some of those exercises here


30 minute of activity. Get the family out with you. If you have kids, teach them early and by example, about the importance of healthy eating and activity.



Add the exercise of the week to today's TT workout. This week, try the Stability Ball Jackknife. You can use this for 8-10 reps in the warm-up, or 15-20 reps at the end of your workout.

30 minutes of activity. Basketball and soccer are probably two of the best fat loss sports. So if you enjoy these, try and get into a Thursday night league somewhere. Or some pick-up at the park.



Finish the weekend with a strong TT workout. Do one extra set in your first superset. That will give your body some great metabolic turbulence that will burn more calories and more fat.



30 minutes of exercise with your Social Support Group. Get your bike out of the garage and go for a nice leisurely, stress-reducing ride.


Plan, shop, and prepare.


Get to an outdoor market and harvest up all the fresh produce and organic protein that you can.


Go home and prepare that into easy to carry portable meals that you can take to work. No excuses for bad nutrition. A little time and prep, and you're set.


Live the TT Lifestyle and build the body of your dreams,


PS - You won't believe...

What I have coming for you...7 mega-bonuses. But you just have to have a little patience...and wait till June 4th. It will be worth it, I promise.

Until the report, The Dark Side of Cardio HERE  

PPS - Only 4 days left...Don't kick yourself later for missing out on this chance today!

I see so many people stumbling through their workouts, and I'd hate for you to be someone that isn't make any improvements from month to month. All that time wasted, what a shame...

Don't forget about the membership increase taking place at the end of May...

  • The 1-year Platinum Level Membership will go to $297 for 12 months from $147.
  • The monthly Basic Level Membership will go to $19.95 per month from $9.95.

Become a TTMember today!

"I just wanted to share what happened in the gym today with you because it made my day! I am currently in week 2, phase 2 of the TT for Female Strength. I was doing my workout in the small gym at work and I had two men come over and tell me that I was intimdating them!! One of them even told me he was going over to the other side to work out because he felt I was showing him up! I also cheated and tried to do a full chinup after my warm up and I managed one. Yippeee! I am on top of the world right now thanks to you." 
Heidi Sinclair

"I have only been a member at for a couple of days, but I must say I am very impressed. The volume of information is fantastic, and every time I read one of your manuals I find my self feeling refreshed.  I realise this is weird, but here is why.  Your programs are all straight to the point, packed full of challenging exercises.  But best of all is that you come at stuff from the real world.  I love the fact that you actually design programs with a time limit in mind."
David Jarzebowski

Become a TTMember today! 

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