Saturday, May 19, 2007

The 300 and 301 Workouts

#1 reason people love the 300-type workouts? 

Competition. Challenge.

And maybe that is what's missing. Maybe this tough workout is what North America needs to kickstart its climb out of softness into the world of lean and fit again.

(By the way, everyone is starting to brag about their accomplishments over on the TT forum...can you keep up to other TT Members? Click HERE to join this inspiring conversation...)

But back to the 300 workout...I'm having old high school friends come out of the woodwork to email me about their experiences with the 300.

Its been quite amazing.

While some people are doing it all wrong (its a once per year workout, not a once per week workout!), at least it is inspiring people to train hard and test their limits again. Finally, people are no longer being satisfied with 45 minute magazine-reading cardio sessions on a bike or elliptical.

We were made to move. We were built to move our bodyweight and be mobile and athletic and intense. Not to do repetitive tasks on a piece of exercise equipment after sitting stationary for 10-12 hours per day.

And here's a great new exercise method...while discussing chin-up performance, one TT member recommended doing high-rep bodyweight rows to failure. I tried it and really liked it. You've never felt a "pump" in your upper back like this before. Give it a try? Can you hit 20? 25? Or even 30?

With all the 300 buzz, I put together a unique, modified Intermediate version of the 300 for TTmembers. Try it out here: The Turbulence Training 300 Workout by Craig Ballantyne

Let me know your score,


PS - Do you want more results in less time?

The May 300 workout burns fat fast. Only 3 workouts per week, and one workout is so effective it doesn't even need intervals! Burn calories, build muscle. Join today!

"I have only been a member at for a couple of days, but I must say I am very impressed. The volume of information is fantastic, and every time I read one of your manuals I find my self feeling refreshed. I realise this is weird, but here is why. Your programs are all straight to the point, packed full of challenging exercises. But best of all is that you come at stuff from the real world. I love the fact that you actually design programs with a time limit in mind."
David Jarzebowski

Burn calories, build muscle. Join today!

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