Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wednesday squat workout and 300 workout exercise videos

Finished up my workout and went straight into filming some 300 workout exercises for Men's Health...I'll let you know when those go up

The workout...

1a) overhead squat (2x2 @ 135)
1b) Y's

2a) medium stance squat (4x5) - 305
2b) psuhups (reg, T, grasshopper)

3) Chins (17,3,4,3,3) - 20s b/n sets, trying to get 30 reps - did only 16 in first set last week

4) Narrow stance good morning (3x12)

The 300 workout is so darn popular,


Ps - remeber, the 300 workout was nbot done everyworkout, just once. I know that was enough for me...

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