Wednesday, April 04, 2007

TT DVD shoot

just finished filming the lecture component of the TT for Fat Loss DVD series. could be ready by june.

and now to catch a little of the Roma-Man U game while i answer emails and hit the discussion forum. looks not so good for Man U so far.

CB - Platinum Members will get a big discount on the DVD package.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Look forward to the DVD....I just started your program on monday. I literally stumbled on to it thanks to a link. I was reading about the "300" movie workouts, one of the pages had a link to your site and the timing was perfect. I was JUST looking for a new plan. I've been doing a lot of cardio (running and soccer) but i knew i needed to change it up to add strength training and also my core is out of shape. Anyway...I'll post again.

    Keith Stephens
    WKLB radio Boston.

    ps...I'm a United fan thanks for the plug on the game.

  3. Cool Keith.

    Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.

    TT works really well for people that do a lot of strengthens neglected areas and adds a strong fat burning push to the body.

    United game wasn't so great today. Hopefully they can do better next leg.


  4. I will def hit you with questions....I just started another blog, since you are a united fan I will absolutely put a link to your site. I'm just starting to drive my listeners to my new blog (on top of myspace and the stations own site).

  5. Thanks!

    I have another one on the Mens Health website, that often has different info:


  6. What should i be feeling when i do the "Stick ups"? Shoulder stability?

  7. Shoulder blades come down and together, working the muscles between them. It is shoulder and scapular mobility.
