Friday, April 13, 2007

Truth About Morning Cardio for Weight Loss

Fitness magazines have changed a lot since I first picked up my first issues of Muscle & Fiction or MuscleMag (the Arnold collector's edition!) way back in 1992 or '93.

Slowly, they are getting better info in the magazines...although some still sacrifice quality of info just to put in "new" moves (even though these exercises suck in comparison to the basics).

I currently write for about 4 magazines on a regular basis, and I'm now on the Training Advisory Board for Oxygen magazine. Here's one of the questions I was recently asked for the magazine...

"I've been told to do cardio in the morning on an empty stomach for more fat loss. but one trainer told me I'll lose muscle mass this way. What should I do?"

Take a deep breath, and don't worry about it.

The bottom line: Fat loss is all about the BIG picture. What happens over the course of a 24 hour period determines your results, not what happens in a 30 minute exercise session.

Just as bodybuilders know that muscle doesn't grow during a workout, we also need to understand that most fat isn't lost during training, but rather as a result of what goes on for the entire 24 hour period.

If someone wants to get lean, they will achieve most of their results from HARD DIETING, not because they do their cardio in the morning.

And as long as they apply some type of resistance training stimulus to their muscles and eat enough protein over the course of the day, they won't lose muscle - even if they do empty stomach cardio.

I was speaking with Dr. Stuart Phillips about this as well, and he said, "morning cardio a risk for muscle loss? complete bunk!!! Just how much will you lose? Certainly, the longer you go without eating the more time you're in negative energy and protein balance and you will net lose muscle, but it's not like it drops off in pounds. time for a little reality check on this one."

So I finished with this note to the editor at Oxygen...

I know its not great copy when an expert says, "it doesn't matter either way", but most of the time, thats the truth!

Anyways, those are the types of boring answers you'll get from me regarding controversial issues like morning cardio on an empty stomach.

Keepin' it real, as the kids say,


PS - Do you want access to un-censored interviews with the top fat loss experts in the business?

Recently, I published an interview on that didn't agree with my point of view on intervals. A reader asked why I would do that...and I said, TT Members is UN-CENSORED. We are giving you ALL of the best fat loss info, and I'm not holding anything back just because it doesn't make me look good! is all about your fat loss, not my ego!

Take a look at these interviews you'll get for only $9.95 per month...

Hardgainer Mass Building - Rengegade Strength Coach Explains 5x5 and How much cardio and ab training a hardgainer should do...
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Is 5x5 the best way to build mass and strength? Is the bench press a good exercise for building your chest? And what's the best way to do cardio if you are building muscle? All of this, and more, from the Regegade Strength Coach, Jason Ferruggia. . . . keep reading
Stubborn Fat Secrets - Alwyn Cosgrove Explains the Need for Extra Workouts & Recovery for Maximum Fat Loss
How can I get rid of stubborn fat? Can I add more workouts? Why did I lose weight when I had a week off? And what is the best interval program? All questions that Alwyn Cosgrove was happy to'll improve your fat loss program simply by reading this interview. . . . keep reading
What Does Your Community Have to Do with Fat Loss? FitForce Bootcamp Fat Loss Success with Jerry Hill
If you think that you can lose fat on your own, you might be right, but it's likely your results will be slower, if at all. Having a supportive community is key. But that doesn't mean sitting around, holding hands, and singing Kumbaya. Heck no, Jerry Hill shows us how you can train hard and harness the power of the community to get even greater gains in fat loss and fitness. . . . keep reading
Nutritional Myths & Landmines - Do's and Don'ts for Healthy, Fat Loss Nutrition with Mike Roussell
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Everyday a new nutrition myth pops up. It's enough to drive you crazy. What is true and what is false about some of these 'alternative' health nutrition tips? Are these "nutrition experts" really helping us or just trying to sell us something. . . . keep reading
Kettlebells & Fat Loss - Dirty South Styles - with Kenneth Johnson
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
I met Kenny Johnson in Sept. 2006 at Ryan Lee's bootcamp for the top personal trainers in the world. Kenny has been a fan of Turbulence Training for years, and told me how he was applying the TT princ . . . keep reading
Overcoming the Fat Loss Catch-22 with Legendary Coach, Charles Staley
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
His colleagues call him an iconoclast, a visionary, a rule-breaker. His clients call him "The Secret Weapon" for his ability to see what other coaches miss. Charles calls himself a geek who struggle . . . keep reading
Vegan Fat Loss Expert Mike Mahler Gives Kettlebell Tips to Boost Your Metabolism
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Kettlebells and vegetarianism aren't often talked about in Turbulence Training, but Mike Mahler is a training expert that lives that lifestyle. Here's Mike's take on kettlebells for fat loss... . . . keep reading
Kettlebells for Fat Loss - David Whitley
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Can Kettlebells be used for fat loss? Can they be used in Turbulence Training type workouts? What are the best kettlebell exercises? . . . keep reading
Extreme Fat Loss with the Unique Exercise Genius, Nick Nilsson
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Learn about unique calorie-burning exercises that help you sculpt your body, build muscle, and burn fat. These are advanced, so train within your abilities. . . . keep reading
How to Reduce Stress with Tai Chi Expert, Dan Brown
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Stress is hard on the mind and body. I know, I put a lot of stress on myself. I used Chi Gong to help alleviate my stress in the summer of '06. In this interview, I talk with my associate, Dan Brown, about other ways to combat stress. . . . keep reading
How Often Should You Weigh Yourself - Fat Loss Expert Educated in One of New Jersey's Most Hardcore Gyms Sets CB Straight!
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
What happens when a hardcore, bodybuilding teenager becomes an educated, passionate strength and conditioning coach? You get John Alvino, one of New Jersey's most effective fat loss coaches. Find out what John has discovered through study and experimentation to help you reach your goals. . . . keep reading
Busting Plateaus: Getting Inside Your Head - The Key to Successful Weight Management
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Finally, mental help! We all know the basics for fat loss TT-style (strength, intervals, & nutrition), but how do we deal with mental roadblocks? Find out from Kara Gallagher, Ph.D. . . . keep reading
TT Nutrition for Fat Loss Guidelines - More from Dr. Chris Mohr...
Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D.
This is the next level of nutrition information for TT users. . . . keep reading
The Other Side of Slow Cardio...To use or not to use slow cardio for advanced fat loss
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Is TT wrong? Is slow cardio the best way to lose fat? Let's hear what fat loss expert Tom Venuto has to say about using slow cardio to get to single-digit body fat... . . . keep reading
Legendary Fat Loss Expert Tom Venuto Shows You How to Lose Fat Fast in Your 30's and Beyond...
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
If you think that losing fat gets harder with age, then listen to Tom Venuto's tips. From beginners to advanced bodybuilders, everyone will benefit from his fat loss expertise. Tom lives the fat loss lifestyle. . . . keep reading
Can You Build Muscle & Burn Fat at the Same Time - Dr. Stuart Phillips Explains the Science
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
All across the Internet, men and women are claiming incredible gains in muscle and huge losses in body fat. Can this really be done? Is it healthy? Dr. Stuart Phillips, Ph.D., discusses the science of building muscle and losing fat, high protein diets, slow cardio, intervals, and more! . . . keep reading

1 comment:

  1. I aplaud his efforts, Something needs to be done
