Thursday, April 05, 2007

Recovery, weak point workout

Listening to my better judgement, I didn't go to the gym to lift today. With my schedule all messed up due to monday and the upcoming holiday weekend, that would have been 3 days in a row. But man, i wanted to deadlift.

I will save it for Saturday, or even next week.

Instead, today I did a smart training session to address personal weak points.

10 minutes foam rolling for lower body

Superset 1
a) Stability ball leg curl
b) Y's

10 reps each. 3 sets

Superset/Triset 2
a) Stick up (15)
b) 1-leg RDL (6 per leg)
c) Cable Ab Crunch - Standing (10)

3 sets each

Superset 3
a) Stepup
b) Pushup (one set PU Plus, one set T PU, and one set decline)

More foam rolling.

Thats it.

Always stay excited to hit the gym, don't burn yourself out,

Tips on Front Squats, Y's, & more
Home Gym Fat Loss Workouts


  1. I have this "discussion" with my wife all the time.....what are your thoughts on Diet soda? She drinks a lot of Diet Pepsi.

  2. I know a guy that swears it gave him cancer...other than that, I'm really not well enough informed.

    Personally, I avoid it.

    Your wife is conditioned to drink it...but over time, she could easily condition herself to drink Green Tea or carbonated water with lemon.

    Its simply a habit she could break if she tried.

  3. thanks....I have my blog up with your
