Saturday, April 07, 2007

Best Muscle Building Workouts

Bodybuilders often get a hard time in the media. Stereotyped as knuckle-scraping Neanderthals with horrible fashion-sense, these guys get no respect.

But when it comes to building a beach body, we can learn a valuable lesson from them.

The lesson...

If you want to get lean and show off a 6-pack on the beach, you're best to gain the muscle first and then lose the fat. Trying to go the other way (i.e. diet down to a 6-pack and then slowly pack on muscle without fat), you're bound to fail.

I've discussed this before, and I strongly encourage muscle-building as the first step on the path to a beach body.

Too many readers email me trying to lose fat, but the big problem is they don't have any muscle. So if they lose fat, they end up smaller versions of their current physique with nothing to show for all that work.

You need to hit the iron and take a break from cardio. Its not going to kill you if you don't do cardio for 4 weeks. Your cholesterol wont' go through the roof. Your arteries won't clog.

So if you want a beach body, take a break from cardio and lay the foundation with some muscle building workouts. If you just need a 4-week at home workout, you're set with the April 2007 TT workout from

If you need a longer term plan, see below.

Getting you to your goals as fast as possible,


P.S. Don't wait, start building muscle for summer today...

Check out the TT for Mass program today. You'll get over $500 worth of workouts, including the bonus Barlee Leegal follow-up workout to my workout in the November issue of Men's Fitness (and yes, I had to spell that wrong b/c of male fil.tars).

In addition to this new bonus 12-week muscle & mobility building program, TT for Mass comes with:

1) The original 12-week TT Mass building program (a personalized 12-week program from me now costs over $400 - but you get this mass building workout for less than $35)

2) A bonus advanced bodybuilding workout to do after you complete the 12-week TT for Mass workout (I designed this workout for an advanced bodybuilder here in Toronto, and it is valued at $100 - the going rate for a 4-week personal program at the time).

3) The bonus MF follow-up workout - another 4-week mass-building workout (Value: another $24.99).

4) The 8-Week TT for Muscle Program (Value: $24.99_

"Craig Ballantyne's "MF Workout" will help you reach the peak of our genetic potential. Even as a hardgainer whose diet isn't always in order, I still gained five pounds on CB's program in as many weeks. At the same time, I lost two pounds of pure body fat and gained 25 pounds on my bench press! Most workout programs prescribe too many sets and reps and too much training frequency. Though it's usually not intentional, they seem to only net results for guys "on the juice"- steroid users. CB's workout is for the natural athlete, but the results are great enough that people will wonder if you're not doing something shady."
Sean Hyson, Fitness Editor, Men's Fitness

5) The report will also include a free bonus review of the latest research on pre- and post-workout nutrition and protein requirements for maximum muscle growth. In the nutrition section, I simplify all the confusing information that is out there with respect to protein and post-workout needs. The report will save you big $$$ by revealing what supplements are absolutely useless for building muscle, as well as telling you the only worthwhile supplement you don't get enough of from food.

6) Plus, purchasing the TT for Mass program will make you eligible for some big discounts on some of my other programs and memberships.

Altogether, over $500 worth of bodybuilding workouts for just under $35.

Click here to get started building muscle for summer today.

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