Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tuesday Exercise Session

Just got some exercise...a bunch of mobility exercises, some foam rolling
for trouble spots, and some time on the bike re-reading "Primal Branding" by
Patrick Hanlon (I also nearly froze my fingers off - through my gloves -
walking the dog this morning).

I've had a few questions about and suggestions for my reading list.

So I'll go over what I've read in the last 2 years (which isn't as much as
it should have been - although I tend to read books twice and I read a lot
of online newsletters), and then finish with all the books on my "to read"
list...warning: Its long.

Feel free to make suggestions or recommend omissions.

Training/Coaching/Health Books - Have Been Read

1. Positive Coaching Alliance Textbook

2. Coach Effectiveness Training

3. Natural Hormone Enhancement – Rob Faigen

4.Under the Bar – Dave Tate

5. Basketball Manual – Lee Taft

6. Coach's Strength Training Playbook – Joe Kenn

7. Combat Conditioning – Matt Furey

8. Let Every Breath – Systema

9. Tap Out – Ferruggia

10. Designing programs – Boyle

11. Program Design – Cosgrove

12. New Rules of Lifting – Cosgrove

13. Supertraining

Business & Fiction Books - Have Been Read

14. Purple Cow – Seth Godin

15. "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell

16. Free Prize Inside – Godin

17. 22 Laws of Marketing – Ries & Trout

18. Fooled by Randomness – Nicholas Taleb

19. Info Millions – Bob Serling

20. How to Personal Trainer – Eric Ruth

21. Freakonomics – Levitt & Dubnar

22. Real Dream Teams: Seven Practices That Enable Ordinary People to
Achieve Extraordinary Results As Team Leaders by Bob Fisher, Bo Thomas

23. The Old Man & the Sea – Hemingway

24. Selling Information Products – Gleek

25. Automatic Wealth – Masterson

26. Farewell to Arms – Hemmingway

27. For Whom the Bell Tolls – Hemmingway

28. The Sun Also Rises – Hemmingway

29. Blink – Gladwell

30. Idea Virus

31. The E-Myth – Gerber

32. Words that Sell – Nicholas

33. Maradonna's autobiography (maradonna, not MA-donna)

34. Zero to One million – Ryan Allis

35. Magic Hundred – Dax Moy

36. Big Red Fez – Godin

37. Lucrative List Building – Glen Hopkins

38. Purpose Driven Life – Rick Warren (not fiction or business)

39. Marley and Me – John Grogan

40. Never Eat Alone – Ferrazzi

41. Multiple Streams of Internet Income – Robert Allen

42. Primal Branding – Create Zealots for Your Brand – Patrick Hanlon

43. Listbuilding – Mark Hendricks

44. Google Cash – Chris Carpenter

45. Blue Ocean Strategy – W. Chan Kim

Random List of Books TO READ (non-training only)

1. The Psychology of Influence & Persuasion – Robert Caldini

2. E-book secrets exposed (Magic Autoresponder bonus)

3. How to Make $1 million or more selling how to information – Jeffrey

4. How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie

5. Thick Face, Black Heart – Chin-Ning Chu

6. The Long Tail – Chris Anderson

7. Psycho-Cybernetics – Maxwell Maltz

8. No B.S. Marketing – Kennedy

9. No B.S. Sales Letter – Kennedy

10. No B.S. Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs

11. No B.S. Direct Marketing for Non-Direct Marketing Businesses

12. No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs

13. No B.S. Sales Success

14. No B.S. Business Success

15. Permission Marketing – Godin

16. The Guerrilla Marketing Handbook – Godin & Levinson

17. eMarketing – Godin

18. Unleashing the Idea Virus – Godin

19. Making Successful Presentations – Terry Smith

20. Re-imagine – Tom Peters

21. The Brand Called You – Peter Montoya

22. Up Your Business – Dave Anderson

23. How to Win Clients – Nick

24. Immutable Laws of Branding – Ries

25. The Psychology of Winning – Nick

26. Cash copy – Jeffrey Lant

27. Focus – Al Ries

28. Good to Great by Jim Collins

29. Consumer Behavior

30. International Business

31. Conversations with Millionaires

32. The 7 Habits of highly effective people: Covey

33. First things First: Covey

34. 8th Habit – Covey

35. Jonathan Livingston Seagull: Bach

36. Mans search for meaning: Frankil

37. Goals: Tracy

38. Eat that Frog: Tracy

39. Unlimited Power: Robbins

40. The Intelligent Investor – Ben Graham (1949)

41. How I turned $1000 into $1 million in my spare time

42. Al Lowry – "How to become financially independent by investing in Real

43. Raving Fans

44. Fish!

45. Gung Ho!

46. Who Moved my cheese

47. High Five

48. The one minute manager

49. The Worldly Philosophers

50. The Sovereign Individual

51. The Crest of the Wave

52. The Great Boom Ahead

53. Boom Bust Echo

54. Corporate Lifecycles

55. "Words that sell" novel - richard bayen (also has "Phrases that sell")

56. Psychology of Persuasion - Kevin Hogan

57. Becoming a category of one

58. "Marketing to women: How to Understand, Reach, and Increase Your Share
of the World's Largest Market Segment' - Martha Barletta

59. AutoWebLaw - Bruce Safran's ebook

60. The Student Success Manifesto: How to Create a Life of Passion,
Purpose, and Prosperity - Michael Simmons

61. How to Become CEO" by Jeffrey J. Fox

62. "How to Become a Great Boss" by Jeffrey J. Fox

63. How to Become a Rainmaker – J Fox

64. "Selling the Invisible" by Harry Beckwith

65. "Never Wrestle With a Pig" by Mark McCormack

66. "The Deviant's Advantage" by Ryan Mathews and Watts Wacker

67. "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" by Deepak Chopra

68. "Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In" by Roger
Fisher, Bill Ury, and Bruce Patton

69. Scientific Advertising – Claude Hopkins (www.claudehopkins)

70. Ads that Sell – Bob Bly (Amazon only)

71. Technique for Producing Ideas – James Webb-Young

72. Other book by Claude Hopkins

73. How to Read a Financial Report – John Tracy

74. Ogilvy on Advertising" by David Ogilvy

75. Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples

76. The Copywriter's Handbook by Bob Bly

77. On Writing - Stephen King

78. Susan Bordo - Unbearable Weight

79. The Elements of Style" by William Strunk and E.B. White

80. Brand Warfare – D'Allesendro

81. Career Warfare – D'Allesendro

82. Developing the Leader Within You – John Maxwell

83. Business By Referral by Ivan Misner and Robert Davis

84. Word of Mouth Marketing by Jerry R. Wilson

85. High Visibility

86. Ready, Aim, Specialize – K James-Enger

87. Success Is Not an Accident: Change Your Choices, Change Your Life –
Tommy Newberry

88. Just Enough – Harvard

89. Ground Rules for Winners by Joe Torre

90. The Winner within by Pat Riley

91. Winning Everyday by Lou Holtz

92. Software Project Survival Guide

93. Direct from Dell

94. Hardball – George Stalk

95. Atlas Shrugged – Rand

96. Persuasive Online Copywriting

97. Call to Action – Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg

98. A study in Tyranny

99. A history of Warfare by Keenan

100. A culture of contentment by Galbraith

101. The gray dawn – Pete Peterson

102. Lexus & The Olive Tree – Friedman

103. World is Flat – Friedman

104. In Search of Excellence

105. Passion for Excellence

106. Online Profits @ Speed of Light

107. How to Argue and Win Every Time – Gerry Spence

108. Russell Conwell – Acres of Diamonds

109. Overachievement

110. Copywriting program (http://www.awaionline.com/bib/tw89)

111. Slaughterhouse 5 – Vonnegut

112. Selfish Gene – Richard Dawkins

113. Fashionable Nonsense – Alan Sokel

114. The Guns of August – Barbara Tuchman

115. Crossing the Chasm - Geoffrey Miller

116. The Wisdom of Crowds

117. Trade Up

118. Winning Through Intimidation – Ringer

119. Action: Nothing Happens Until Something Moves – Ringer

120. Power & Persuasion – Masterson

121. How to Write A Book in 14 Days

122. The Great Formula – Joyner

123. The Irresistible Offer – Joyner

124. 7 Years to 7 Figures – Masterson

125. The Little Guide to Your Well-Read Life – Steve Leveen

126. The Millionaire Mind – (getthemoneyebook.com – tpauley?)

127. The E-Code: 47 Secrets to Making Money Online – Vitale

128. Born Rich – Bob Proctor

129. Customer Born Every Minute – Vitale

130. Duct Tape Marketing

131. Pay Attention Please

132. Made to Stick – Heath

133. Anatomy of a Buzz – Emmanuel Rosen


  1. Add Instant Income to the list. It was just released and is right up your alley.

  2. Thanks Pat.
    i added that and "The Starbucks Experience" at Alwyn's suggestion


  3. Craig,

    Awesome list. I recommend "The New Psycho-Cybernetics" it is the updated version. I find it more complete than the original. Good call on the No B.S. Series, one of my favorites. Check out "My Unfinished Business" by D. Kennedy also. You can get it from his renegademillionaire.com site. It is a serices of biographical essays that are interesting to read once you are familiar with Dan.


  4. The Starbucks Experience is a great read.
