Friday, March 30, 2007

Muscle-Building Workout & Fat Loss Nutrition Tip

I've been a mad exercise scientist for 15 years now, experimenting with workouts and nutrition on myself and with some of the mass monsters I created in weight rooms around the world (and now guys can get huge at home with this month's TT workout - see below for my latest workout).

But deep down in the depths of my dark underground lab, we've also done some fat loss experiments as well. (Okay, it's not dark, or even underground, and okay, there's not even a lab...but still, I have some tips to share!).

Let's go back all the way to last Christmas...

While all the Western world was gorging on holiday treats in December, we were experimenting with a way to beat stubborn fat. And I think we came up with a basic, simple to follow nutrition tip that can help.

Want to know what it is?

I found that replacing grains with fruits and vegetables will make a big difference in advanced fat loss. So carbohydrate intake should come from only fruits and vegetables. No breads, oatmeal, pastas. That's it. (With the exception of the post-workout drink when it seems okay to get quickly absorbed carbohydrate).

All of our subjects that used this small nutrition tweak made improvements. Even our most advanced subjects, who were already in the single-digits for body fat.

And its not that hard of a program to follow. For me, it was tough at night not to give into a Peanut butter & blueberry sandwich (yes, PB&BB), but it was worth it for the results.

So there's your insider tip of the day.

I guess I should also explain why I think it works.

First, more vegetables and fruit will fill you up faster with fewer calories. That's not rocket science. So you'll be less hungry and you'll have eaten less. That's a recipe for success.

Obviously you should focus on fiber rich fruits and vegetables for maximum benefits.

Now to completely change subjects, let's switch over to massive muscle building workouts. Like our nutrition tip, this too is coming straight from the lab...its a dumbbell muscle-building workout that you can do at home, in your dark, underground home gyms (which I know you have!).

The 3-day workout uses variations in rep speed, and some tips and tricks like drop sets to get the most muscle building results from the least amount of time and equipment. All you need are dumbbells and a bench. If you have a pullup bar, perfect. If not, I give alternative exercises.

So whether you want to turn into a mass monster or just put on a few pounds of muscle, give the April 2007 TT workout a go.

And don't forget, if you become a TTMember before the end of March, you'll get access to all of the monthly workouts from 2007. But come Sunday, only the April workout will be left for Basic Level Members.

Sign-up here

Build muscle, burn fat,


PS - Here's everything you get if you order before midnight on Saturday, March 31st, 2007...

April 07 Mass at Home Workout - Value $19.99
March 07 Ten Minute Workout Program - Value $19.99
February 07 Unilateral Fat Loss Workout - Value $19.99
January 07 TT Fat Loss Workout - Value $19.99

Plus: Interviews & discussion forums - hard to put a value on one tip alone in the forum could save you $30 on your next supplement purchase.

So a total value of at least $80 worth of programs for only $9.95 for a month's membership. But you have to act quick...

Sign-up here

PPS - TTMembers has a NEW Alwyn Cosgrove exclusive interview coming out on Monday

He talks about his exercise methods to combat stubborn fat.

PPPS - What's up with Splenda, protein, teflon, fats, and carbs?

Find out what's going to kill you, what's surprisingly good for you, and what's one of the most overblown nutrition tips today.

Click HERE for a nutrition expert's opinion on common food myths

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