Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Fish Oils, Low-Carbs, and Female Fitness

Just returned from beautiful Arlington, Virginia, where I spent the week with a few fitness experts, including Jon Benson, the author of the incredibly motivating Fit Over 40 book. 

But all was not positive. In one of the presentations, I was shocked to find out how many women are buying "diet patches" off the Internet. And I was disgusted to find out how much money these scamsters were making.


Do you know the target market for these ads?

Women aged 26-54.

It's really frustrating for me to know that. To know that deceptive ads are tricking women into going "10 lbs in 7 days" claims.

Fortunately, I know that if you read this newsletter, you aren't the type to be scammed. You know what it takes to succeed. And buying a magic bullet online isn't the answer.

If you want to, and I'm sure you do, be able to step out in your swimsuit with confidence, you have to forget about miracle cures and start using the simple steps to lifestyle change that I talk about everyday.

Goodbye patches, pills, potions and pitiful excuses for workouts.

Let me show you the way. Let's take a look at some of the valuable info from the April '07 issue of Women's Health...and yes, the tips are for men as well. (PS. Look for my energy boosting exercise tips in the May '07 edition).

1) Eat slow.

Put your fork down between bites while you chew your food. Eating slow will help you feel full

Other tips for feeling full...broccoli, protein, etc

2) Summertime Green Tea

Women's Health recommended Crystal Light Green Tea on the Go, and promised that it contains the active components of Green Tea that make it so healthy. Enjoy. 

3) Suggested Reading for Marathon Training

If for some reason you want to run a marathon, the magazine recommends a couple of starter marathon books

4) The best article in the magazine...

...was actually aboot reducing your carbon footprint. Since most recommendations are always focused on the negative (cut back this, cut back that) it was refreshing to learn the incredible value of a positive action we can take...and that's simply to plant more trees. I'll be doing that in May or June for sure.

Check out the rest of the article in the mag or online at their website. 

5) Fish Oil Info!

Research shows that as little as one 3oz serving of fish per week decreases risk of heart attack by 36 percent. That corresponds to only 250mg of omega-3's daily (about the amount in one fish oil capsule).  

But we've all heard about the concerns of mercury in fish. Fortunately, the consensus among experts is that the benefits to fish consumption outweigh the risks of mercury intake.

Women's Health went one step further and provided a chart of the best fish sources for Omega-3's and provided mercury content as well...

The best option?

A 3oz serving of wild Atlantic salmon gives you 1.6g of Omega-3's and 0.01 ppm of mercury - that's low, btw.

Other high-omega seafoods are:
Rainbow trout
Striped bass
Alaskan king crab

And what about good old canned tuna? Canned tuna has .12ppm merc and gives only .eg omegas. The art reconmmended eating this only 8 times per month.

Fun fact: What do coffee, canned tuna, and cottage cheese have in common?

Answer: Three foods that I've never, ever had, and never, ever will!

6) The Perfect Women's Ab Exercise

This isn't from the magazine, but a reader wrote in to say that the Spiderman Climb is the perfect woman's exercise - it trains your abs (and who doesn't like that) while increasing your static pressing strength - so it can help with building strength for pushups.

Spiderman Climbs are a great ab exercise - see them here.

I would much rather see Kirsten Dunst doing this exercise than Tobey McGuire,


P.S. Check out this workout...

Posted by UConn Julie in the TT Workout Journal Discussion Forum

*DB weights are per side
*minimal rest between exercises in superset
*one minute rest between supersets

Warm-Up: Y-squat x 10, Push-ups x 8, Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 each side, Spiderman Climb x 10 each side ... entire circuit twice

1A: DB Flat Bench Press - 20#x6, 25#x6, 25#x6
1B: DB Row - 30# 3x6 ea

2A: DB Incline Press - 20# 3x6
*sub for Triple Press as my bench doesn't have multiple incline settings
2B: BB Bent-over Row - 45# 3x10

3: Deadlift - 75#x17, x16, x16

Interval Workout A: using Burpees

Warm-Up: 30 bodyweight squats
30 seconds of Burpees
30 seconds of walking
x6 cycles
3 minutes of walking to cool-down

This workout is from the June 2006 TT Hardcore Fat Loss Program...


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