Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bodyweight Workout & Seminar

I'm kind of fatigued from my presentation this morning, showing my
bodyweight workouts to about 50 trainers from the Chicago area. Lots of fun,
and sweat actually dripping off my head towards the end of the presentation
as we went through bodyweight circuit training to finish off the workout.

I also taught my lower body and upper body progressions and when and where
to use specific bodyweight exercises. This will be available on DVD...just
not sure when.

I think we finished with a circuit of:

Prisoner squats
offset pushups
close-grip pushups
prisoner reverse lunges
spiderman climbs
waiters bow
grasshopper pushup

It was good.

Then I had lunch with Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., author of the TT Nutrition

This afternoon I'll watch him speak about his meal planning software and
nutrition guidelines, while his fiancee Kara Gallagher speaks about
behavioral strategies for nutrition compliance.

Get mobile,


PS. I interviewed Kara at and have a new article from her
coming out ASAP on

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