Sunday, March 04, 2007

7-Day Weight Loss Guideline

Nutrition expert, Mike Roussel, in his interview on says this, "Stay around perimeter of a supermarket and do not venture into the aisles is an easy way to avoid processed foods." So remember that when you hit the G.S. this week.

Now I want to make a couple of seminar announcements...

First, if you live near Little Rock, Arkansas, there is going to be a great weekend of fitness education on April 12th weekend. Alwyn Cosgrove, Bill Hartman, nutrition expert Mike Roussell, and Charles Staley are just some of the presenters this weekend. Click HERE for more info.

Believe me, it will be worth it just to meet Alwyn.

Second, I will be doing a bodyweight training demonstration in Chicago on March 17th at a seminar for Personal Trainers. It's actually at the Holiday Inn in Elk Grove, IL. The weekend seminar is only $199. Dr. Chris Mohr and Brian Grasso (expert in training Young Athletes) will be there as well, among other experts.

Click HERE to signup for this Personal Trainer Education Seminar in Chicago

See you there.

And now here are your guidelines for the next 7 days.

TT Workout. It never hurts to have a trainer check your form, and make sure that you are pushing yourself hard enough.

Alternatively, a workout partner can make all the difference in helping you bust through a plateau. The quote most often heard in the gym, "I'd never work this hard on my own." Is this true for you?

30 minutes of activity. In addition, use to check your diet for excess calories. By now, you should have developed many healthy eating habits...however, sometimes things start slipping. So give yourself a little review. It's never too late to start eating properly.

Even I'm always improving my nutrition, having recently added Avocado to my diet, as well as tripling my spinach intake each week.

TT Workout. Add 5% more weight to your main exercise, and reduce the number of reps per set by 1. Keep perfect form of course, but increase the intensity. You might even find that you can do all of the reps with this new, increased weight.

That will lead to more Turbulence, and more calories burned. If you want to increase your interval intensity instead, do the same - increase your speed or resistance by 5% on the treadmill or bike.

30 minutes of activity. Try something new. If you haven't done any bodyweight circuits yet, give those a try. For more bodyweight ideas, watch this Video of me doing bodyweight exercises in New Zealand

TT Workout. Try to eat 8 small meals today which should give you even better results than eating 6 small meals. The 8 small meals/snacks: Breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, pre-workout, post-workout, dinner, and evening snack.

30 minutes of activity. Check in with your social support group and trade fat loss secrets. If you need more people in your social support group, join the discussion forums at

30 minutes of activity. Plan, shop, and prepare. Make it your goal to purchase the most healthy grocery order of your entire life. You get extra bonus points if the clerk says, "Wow, what a healthy order".

Here are some of the items on my list:



  • Peppers (red, yellow, green, & orange),

  • Spinach

  • Asparagus

  • Broccoli

  • Snow Peas

  • Mushrooms

  • Frozen mixed vegetables

  • Tomato sauce

Protein Sources

  • Chicken breasts

  • Turkey breasts

  • Salmon fillets

  • Lean beef

  • Skim milk & low-fat, low-sugar yogurt
  • whey protein


  • Spelt bread
  • Yams 


  • Green tea

  • Unsalted, not roasted, Almonds & Walnuts & Pecans

Nutrition has a huge impact on your success,


P.S. Want more nutrition advice from nutrition expert Mike Roussell?

Here's what I asked Mike in his interview available to all members at

CB: Mike, what nutrition changes work best for sedentary, overweight individuals?

CB: And on the other hand, what are the more advanced fat loss nutrition methods you've used?

CB: And what about for those that aren't ready to step on stage, but are doing pretty well only to have come across a fat loss plateau?

CB: What are your personal experiences with client compliance? Are most people "lying to themselves" about how well they eat?

CB: What supplements do you use, and do you use any supplements with clients for fat loss?

CB: Do you have a favorite recipe you'd like to share?

CB: A lot of clients think that eating healthy means eating bland foods over and over again. What are some healthy, alternative, tasty foods that most people neglect?

CB: What is your opinion on when a client should focus on building muscle versus losing fat? Let's say a guy is 5'8", 160pounds, and 15% bodyfat. What should he focus on first, if his goal is 10% fat and ripped abs?

CB: How do your protein and calorie recommendations change for obese individuals?

CB: What about how they differ between men and women?

CB: What are your post-workout recommendations for people on a fat loss workout plan of strength training and intervals (i.e. the Turbulence Training workouts)?

Read his answers at


  • Apples

  • Oranges

  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Peaches

  • Grapefruit

  • Raspberries

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