Thursday, February 15, 2007

What I Did on my Southern Hemisphere Vacation...

I watched almost a dozen movies on the 36 hours I spent on airplanes...heres how I rank them from best to worst...

1 - You, Me & Dupree (a pleasant surprise)
2 - The Departed (wished it never ended, but didn't really like the ending either...wahlberg was great, the movie could have used more of him)
3 - Little Miss Sunshine (as good as people said it was)
4 - Thank You for Smoking (big surprise...really funny...i wasn't expecting much)
5 - Pirates of the Carribbean Part 2 (just as good as the first)
6 - Love Actually (same as every other hugh grant movie...super cheesy but good enough to watch)
7 - Borat (it was okay...i don't really enjoy watching people make idiots of themselves, although the frat boys deserve all the humiliation they are getting for being the asses that they are)

Tried to watch but didn't finish...
a) The Last King of Scotland (just couldnt' get into it)
b) Open Season (boring)
c) Beerfest (terrible, and I like stupid stuff, that's how bad this was)
d) The Prestige (boring)
e) Kenny - This is an australian comedy about a guy that installs and maintains portable toilets...its funny, i just wasn't into it. If you like "mockumentaries" and toilet humor, try and find this. Its an australian movie, so you might have to fly to sydney to get it.

Worst movie I watched all the way through?

Fast Food Nation

The most depressing movie I've watched since "Requiem for a Dream"...and the movie wasn't really about the meat industry as much as it was about illegal immigration - that was the depressing part. Also, I've been to an actual slaughterhouse and watched animals killed and their throats cut...its not really a big deal to me.

In fact, I'm having some ground beef tonight,


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