Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Two workout wednesday in new zealnd

Started the day by booking my flight into sydney for sunday. I'll be there 3 days and then back to Toronto on Ballantyne's day.

Followed that up with a new video for you, shot on the beach here in mt. Manganui - more bodyweight exercises that can be done anywhere withouit equipment.

It will look a little cloudy in the video, but immediately after the filming the sun came out while I did an actual 20 set bodyweight workout - - think I even came up with a new intermediate level bodyweight squat.

And then I surfed...officially rode my first wave for 10 seconds.

That brings me to this point...

Every child should be as active as possible up to age 16. There should be a law.

By being active and becoming co-oordinated through sport, I am able to pick up sports and activities in relatively less time than non-active peers.

Whether it's yoga or surfing, snowboarding or jumping, having developed decent motor control of my muscles as a child I can get the hang of things quickly.

The same goes for the bodyweight exercises we do in TT. An athlete will be able to "get" these moves faster.

So stay active, get active, and be active,



  1. Cheers for the response, Craig in the previous post. And have a great time in Sydney, what are you going to do for your three days here?

    Thanks again,

