Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thursday Desk Jockey Workout

Thursday's the day I chain myself to my desk and don't take a break at lunch
for a workout. So after I walked the pup to daycare (through a thunder-
snowstorm I might add - yes, thunder and lightening during a snowstorm), I
strapped myself in from 8-3 without a break and wrote some articles, emails,
and edited some DVD scripts.

And while I get a lot of work done this way, physically, there comes a point
where you have to "undo" the damage from sitting in a chair for that long -
no matter how good your posture is (and mine sucks).

Over those 7 hours I did get up to stretch and move my scapula around a
little, but at 3pm I decided to try some of the exercises in a new product
I'm reviewing.

The product is called "Building the Efficient Athlete", and its a manual and DVD series
from Eric Cressey and Mike Robertson. I'm a relatively busy guy, so I didn't think I'd
have too much time to commit to going through their materials, at least not for the
next couple of weeks.

But I started reading the manual Sunday night. and then that led to looking at the DVD's.
4 days later and I'm through most of the info. And I even did some of the exercises
today while I watched a DVD. Eric and Mike know their stuff, and if you're an athlete or
trainer, you won't want to miss out on it. I'll certainly be using a lot of the exercises
and stretches in my own programs, and with the few elite athletes that I still consult with.

Trainers should get this product for the anatomy lesson alone that is provided in the
material. A lot of people are still doing the wrong exercises, thinking they are helping
when in fact they are harming their athletes. Each day someone emails me a horror
story about a trainer in their gym, doing something that most 12-year olds would
realize isn't right.

From "abdominal hollowing" to improper squat form, the training industry has a long way
to go when it comes to being more professional with its instruction. And you know what,
no one is too good for this product either. I learned a lot, and listen to what Joe Dowdell,
one of NYC's top trainers has to say about the info he learned as a participant at the
original seminar:

""From the functional anatomy, to the static and dynamic assessment procedures, to the hands-on
exercises technique segments, Eric and Mike provided a thoroughly enjoyable, yet highly educational
environment.  For those of you who weren't fortunate enough to attend, I highly recommend getting
this DVD set
, as the information is well worth the investment."
Joe Dowdell, CSCS, CPT
Co-owner, Peak Performance, NYC

Click HERE to become the go-to strength coach in your area

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