Monday, February 19, 2007

New Interval Research

I'm gettting a lot of questions about an Australian interval training study that I first reported on back in November or December...


Here's the rub...

"Researchers at the University of NSW and the Garvan Institute studied 45 overweight women over 15 weeks, putting them through a 20 minute cycling regime in which they sprinted on a stationary bike for eight seconds followed by 12 seconds of cycling lightly."


"They lost three times more weight as other women who exercised at a continuous, regular pace for 40 minutes," UNSW Associate Professor Steve Boutcher said.

The results shouldn't surprise...and many of you are asking what I think about the specific interval lengths.


My answer:
There's nothing magical about 8s on and 12s off.

Unfortunately, it is extremely impractical for the majority of my readers that use machines to use that time frame.

That said, people that run outside or do bodyweight squats or other bodyweight only interval methods could use this approach.

But if you compared this approach to intervals of 30 seconds on and 60 seconds off, you'd likely get the same results.

As long as you use intervals, that is all that counts...until I'm proven otherwise. In the next 5 years, we should see a lot of research on interval training that might lead to more specific recommendations. 


Q: I've downloaded Turbulence Training for Fat Loss and I love all the materials...but where the heck do I start?

Thanks for the email!

If you are a complete beginner, start at the very beginning of the Turbulence Training manual with the Introductory workouts and then just work through each program in succession.

If you are not new to training, start with the Intermediate level TT workout in the big Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual.


Then go through that manual in order (Intermediate to "original" to 2k3, 2k4, and then 2k5). Then hit the more advanced TT Fusion Fat Loss at the end.

At any time you feel you need a break, you can start with the intermediate or advanced bodyweight Turbulence Training workout.


Let me know if you have any other questions along your TT journey. We'd love to hear from you in the discussion forum.



Q: I like to skip for my interval training. Is it as effective as the sprints, which I don't like? 


Skipping is okay, but its no sprinting. I would expect better results with sprinting

I always use the "human nature" test...

Imagine taking 20 people and putting them in a room with the choice of sprinting or skipping.

The majority of people would likely choose skipping, because it will be easier. It's human
nature. Why take the stairs when there is an escalator?

Skipping is tough, but doesn't have the full leg action of sprinting, and therefore, doesn't use the same muscle mass (and therefore burn the same
amount of calories during or after training) - unless you are an advanced rope jumper that can pound out some serious double-skip movements.


For most advanced fitness levels, sprinting will be more effective.

Q: Love your program and have recommended your program to many others. I have a quick question with reverse and forward lunges I have a hard time with lunges due to having very little balance. Is there another exercise with the same benefits? Also what are the benefits of Mountain Climbers?


The mountain climbers works your abdominals for static endurance, much like the plank, although there is more motion, obviously. And it works the upper body as well.


It is teaching you to control your body, at the same time as working your abdominals. Keep the abs braced and hips low. Don't let them pike up.

For your lunges, perhaps a split squat would work better because there is no need to step forward. Hold a dumbbell in one hand and use the other hand for balance (against a wall or beam) 

There's always another effective option, 


P.S. What do the experts think of gaining muscle and lose fat at the same time?

Can it be done? I've posted a new interview with Dr. Stuart Phillips in the fat loss interview department.

Find out what science says about doing the "impossible". 

Become a TT member for only $9.95 per month HERE



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