Monday, February 12, 2007

Half marathon walk

So on monday, I think I walked about 25km throughout sydney.

I walked from central sydney out to Darling Harbour, where I had lunch. I followed that up with a walk down George street all the way out to the sydney bridge, then over to the opera house and then all the way back down george street to my hotel.

All the while I was forced into hourly breaks by some hard rain...but I escaped without getting wet.

It was a great walk...and a nice city to see. Very clean. Easy to maneuver. I certainly appreciated the abundance of public restrooms and fruit stands.

I also taped a youtube exercise instruction video in front of the famous sydney opera house...we'll get that up soon after my return.

After a short break I walked from my hotel over to chinatown and then back up george street a little, and then all the way over to kings cross.

For most of you, this means nothing, but to anyone that knows sydney, I am sure you are following along.

After cleaning up for dinner, I walked down oxford street all the way to paddington where I had dinner. That was a big hike on an empty stomach but it was worth it.

I finished the evening with a walk on a "too-full" stomach back into the central city and around downtown for a bit to people watch.

Now that I think of it, I may even have been closer to 30 kilometers for the days walk.

And that brings us to today, tuesday feb 13th. I had a surf lesson at 2pm in bondi beach, so after a bit of a sleep-in, I set out for bondi by car.

Got there at 11 and went for a walk along the beach to the next beach and beyond. Probably did a 10k round trip, and filmed a chinup lesson for youtube as well.

Had a protein smoothie to recover and then onto my lesson at

My instructor kitty gave me a lesson on riptides and then out we went for 90 minutes. I got in 2 great rides, even though the conditions were sub-par and the waters were busy.

Unfortunately, I don't know when I'll surf again...but if you get the chance, do it! And go by Let's Go Surfing in bondi, and tell them the mens health guy sent ya.

I'm now finishing up the day with a recovery meal at a sushi joint on victoria street, south of kings cross.

I'll probably walk around downtown a little more tonite, and then prepare for the journey home that starts at noon local time, or late tuesday evening back in toronto.

Sydney's well worth a visit,


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