Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Goal Setting & Bodyweight Workout Video

To meet your goals (see the goal setting info below), we're continuously putting together great workout videos for you.
Here's a no equipment bodyweight workout/warm-up that you can do. It's great for athletes and desk workers that need to increase their mobility, but it also works great for interval circuits to finish your workout.
To see all of our videos, go here ==> More Home Workout Tips HERE
Now I want to talk to you about goal-setting as even if you are not
as one of the 5 guys for the next MH transformation, at least you will have
a plan to follow.
I am no stranger to goal setting, and I hope that you take time to
goal-set as well.
Setting goals or even making New Year's resolutions is not a bunch
of hogwash, cheesy, fluffy hocus-pocus either. It's no joke.
Research shows that people who write their goals down succeed far
more than people that don't write down their goals. It's that
simple. Write them down, review them, and keep them at the
forefront of your thoughts - that way you'll always be working
towards them.
What I have done in the past is create a word document with goals
for different areas of business, my finances, my own workouts, my
reading list, and some travel goals. I keep those on file and refer
to them often, several times per week.
And I must say, its served me well. Not only as a motivator and
schedule but also as a reminder about goals that I would have
forgotten about if I didn't write them down.
Around New Years I got an e-book from a trainer in the UK named
Dax Moy. He's a bright guy, and has done phenomenally well with his
business (he even has a DVD out showing the training program that
helped one of Britain's "Pop Idols" lose over 100 pounds).
Anyways, Dax's goal-setting e-book is called "The Magic One
Hundred". In it, Dax tells some good stories about his own life and
how he developed his goal setting system. Drawing from those
lessons, he shows you how to achieve 100 phenomenal goals in a
short amount of time.
It helped me identify several new significant goals and strategies
of achieving these goals. It was an excellent brainstorm tool, and
a kick-in-the-butt to organize the goals into readily achievable
What more can I say? If you want to achieve something extra special
this year, strike that, if you want to achieve something
extraordinarily special in the next 100 days, then read this e-book.
Let's face it, we are full of motivation at this time of the
year...So why not keep it going with a goal-setting program?
Within the hour of starting to read Dax's book, you'll be full of
ideas, more motivation, and commitment to succeeding.
Life is what you make of it,
PS - I am also one of 12 experts in an upcoming fat loss
teleseminar series...
Along with Tom Venuto, Alwyn Cosgrove, John Berardi, Kelli
Calabrese, myself, and other fat loss experts, as well as "Mr.
Fire", Joe Vitale, we'll be covering all of your fat loss and
motivation questions in a 12-week teleseminar series.
And while some of these calls have already been recorded, you still
have a chance to hear me interviewed live, on March 20th!
Craig will be interviewed live on Tuesday night, March 20th.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm I might have to check out that video. My goals are posted on
