Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday wipeout...I mean workout

So after lunch, the dog and I went out exploring the back country...I had the bright idea to walk along an ice covered beam in orfer to stay out of the knee high snow...and eventually I wiped out.

No harm done though, I landed on my side and spread out the impact along my entire torso.

On to today's workout...if you remember yesterday, I was supposed to squat, but split my pants. Today I was better prepared.

Here's the workout I did, again, takibng it easy because its the first real leg training in almost 3 weeks.

Overhead squat - 3 sets
Shrug plus calf raise - 3 sets
Squat - 3 sets
RDL - 3 sets
Curls - 3 sets
Abs - 3 sets

That's all,


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