Monday, February 26, 2007

The Fat Burning Zone!

How does Turbulence Training work? Can beginners use TT?
equipment do I need? All this and more in this week's TT

Q: What is an example of a strength training superset that
can try to improve their results in tough to target areas
(such as

For beginners, we use 1-leg hip extensions to target the
glutes. We
could pair that with Stability Ball leg curls for the

For squats, if you use a slightly wider than shoulder-
width stance,
you can sit your hips back more and work your butt harder
than with
normal squats. In the Turbulence Training programs, that
is called
a Sumo Squat or Wide-stance Squat. It can be done with
weight or
bodyweight alone. That would go well with Stability Ball
Extensions, and would be great for the intermediate crowd.

For advanced fitness levels, exercises like split squats,
and reverse lunges target the glutes and hamstrings. These
could be
paired with 1-Leg Stability Ball Leg Curls or 1-Leg RDL's.

Q: Why do you say the fat-burning zone isn't important?

There are more efficient ways to burn fat and change your
body than
exercising for a long time at a slow pace.

Proportionately, you burn more fat as fuel when exercising
at a low
intensity. I agree with that.


You burn as much or even more fat, proportionately, at
REST! So if
you want the fat burning zone, why get off the couch? Just
sure you don't watch anything too exciting, like "24", or
heart-rate will go too high. Stick to something that's
suspenseful nor funny, anything starring Jim Belushi
should work.

Seriously, we need to understand that it doesn't matter
how much
fat we burn as a percent of total calories burned during
workout. In fact, we don't even need to get hung up on the
of calories burned during our exercise session.

All we need to do is focus on...

A) Boosting metabolism with strength training

B) Boosting metabolism with interval training

C) Eating for fat loss with the proper nutrition
guidelines (see
Dr. Mohr's TT Fat Loss Guidelines for male and female meal

To boost your metabolism in a short amount of workout
time, you
need to do strength training and interval training. If you
have 2
hours per day to workout, feel free to do slow cardio in
fat-burning zone. It's your time to waste. But if you want
fast, the TT workout approach will put you in the "fat
zone" all day long.

Q: Is it mandatory to achieve the rep count on the last
set of an
exercise? For example, when the exercise calls for 3 sets
of 8
reps, I get 8 reps in set 1, but only 7 in the last two
Should I reduce the weight?

Also, if I cut down on the recovery time, is there a
benefit? I
have always read that cutting down recovery time is great
if you
can manage it. Or is it necessary to allow some recovery
before the next set?

Stick with the same weight for all sets if you can still
get 7 or
even 6 repetitions. However, if you drop down to 5 or less
(when it calls for 8 reps), you should decrease the weight
in the
remaining sets.

As for cutting recovery time, you won't achieve additional
by doing so. And if you cut recovery time TOO much, then
you will
have to significantly reduce the weight used per set, and
could cut into your metabolism boost.

Please stick to the recommended recovery times.

Q: Could you address the following issue in of your
Are intervals good for beginners? Isn't that too hard for

No, beginners can still do interval training.

I'm not talking about what people call "HIIT" (high-
interval training). I'm simply talking about working at a
harder than normal pace for the recommended interval time.

I don't like to use the phrase HIIT in my articles, for
this reason.

Here's how beginners would do intervals.

Let's say you are a beginner that can walk on the
treadmill for 20
minutes straight at 3.5mph. For your interval training,
you would
increase the speed to 3.8mph for 1-2 minutes. Then for your
recovery, you'd drop it down to 3.0mph for an equal length
of time.

Repeat for 4-6 intervals.

That's safe and effective interval training for beginners.

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the
Nutrition Guide

Q: I've read you don't like spinning classes. Why not?

I find that spinning classes are inefficient. Why spend 45
in a class when you can get the same results in 18 minutes
by doing
interal training on your own with the TT Interval

Plus, I don't like high-RPM spinning, as I've met several
women who
have injuries that can be traced back to high-RPM
spinning. It's
likely that the combination of "messed up hips" from
giving birth
to their children led to biomechanical problems that
flared up when
they started spinning on a regular basis. Be careful, and
make sure
you are strong enough for the cardio activities you

The best part of a spinning class are the high-tension,
moderate-RPM intervals. Those intervals are what give you
'turbulence' on your muscles and skyrocket your metabolism
that is when you are doing the most work.

But if you like the camraderie of the class (remember,
support is essential to success!), and you have the time,
and you're
healthy, than spinning is a far better choice than
spending an
equal amount of time on the elliptical at a slow pace
while reading
People magazine (I used to see this everyday, and I'm sure
you do
in your gym as well).

Personally, I can't stand being told what to do (even if
its a cute
instructor), so I'll stick to doing my interval training
on my own.

To each their own! (as long as it gets results)

Q: What actually happens in the body and muscles during and
after a Turbulence Training workout?

Turbulence Training burns energy, and A LOT of it. So
muscle energy
stores are depleted (i.e. glycogen), and there is some
damage (as with regular strength training). Combined,
those two
changes put your muscles into what I call, "turbulence".
call this a metabolic disturbance.

And just like an airplane needs to expend more energy to
through turbulence in the air, your body and muscles have
to burn
more energy to get back to normal...therefore, your body
gets a big
boost in post-exercise metabolism.

The "turbulence" and increase in metabolism don't happen
easier workouts and traditional cardio.

But the benefits you get from Turbulence can last for more
than 24
hours, allowing you to burn more fat and calories all day

So while we don't burn as many calories during a TT
workout as you
would if you did an hour of cardio workout, you end up
burning more
calories in the overall 24-hour period with TT compared to

So we just have to look outside the workout for the
results, and
not focus on the calories used during your gym time.

Q: I always want to move on to the next TT program after 2
weeks rather than the recommended 4. Is there any reason
why I
shouldn't do this?

Yes, you should give each training phase more time. You
want to get
some adaptation to the training, and that takes longer
than 2 weeks
in most cases. Give it the full 4 weeks and then change to
from the variety in training. You will get more results,
particularly if you are after building more muscle.

Q: I can only do interval cardio training on a separate
day from
weights, is this a problem?

No, it is fine to alternate strength and interval days. I
the weights and intervals to be done on the same day so
that people
would have more days off from structured workouts to spend
active with their families or hobbies.

Q: In one of your articles you mention that bodyweight
intervals is
the best method of interval training. Is that correct?

Acutally, I've written that sprinting is best. Bodyweight
and the stationary bike are very close in effectiveness. I
like to
switch interval methods every 4 weeks. That is the best

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the
Nutrition Guide

I guarantee Turbulence Training will give you the fat loss
deserve and desire.


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

P.S. What equipment do you need for Turbulence Training?

Dumbbells, a bench, an exercise ball, and if you are
strong enough,
an adjustable pullup bar. That's it. Lose fat in the
comfort of
your own home. You don't need any machines, a cable
station, an
inner-thigh machine, a squat rack, barbells, or balance

"I lost 14 pounds this month and the weight is just
falling off me.
My wife says I now look like when we first met and I still
more to go. I can fit into my old jeans again which is a
big deal
for me. I just cut back on starches and bread and do your
2-3 times a week. I never thought in a million years that
10-20 minutes of weight training followed by some cardio
would get
me such steady results. I even cheat a bit on the
Billy Williams

"Turbulence Training is a proven way to melt fat fast,
protecting your hard-earned muscle. I'm so confident in its
effectiveness that, over the years, I've recommended it to
literally millions of readers. And the fantastic feedback
received from guys all over the world as a result ensures
you'll be
seeing a lot more of CB's programs in the magazine."
Adam Campbell, MS, CSCS,
Sports and Nutrition Editor, Men's Health

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the
Nutrition Guide

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