Monday, February 05, 2007

The Active New Zealand Lifestyle

Big holiday here in New Zealand, somewhat similar to canada day and independence day.

The beaches and streets were packed.

Funny to see that the "cruising the strip in jacked-up cars" gene is universal...

But new zealanders generally seem to be more active than north americans. There were hundreds of people surfing, from the young to the old, men and women of all ages.

And on the beaches people didn't just sit around. Even the teenage girls played sports...unlike their peers in north america that are more interested in people magazines...although the celebrity fascination is alive and well here also.

So the population appears fitter...from hiking to surfing to all watersports to rugby and more, new zealand must have fewer over weight men and women than north america.

They probably don't have the traffic to deal with, although the food choices can be just as bad.

My exercise today was a lot of walking, a bit of surfing.

Not missing the minus 25 in Toronto,


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