Sunday, February 04, 2007

7-Day Guide: Super Bowl Pick

Allright, a lot of guys are panicking about today. It's Super Bowl Sunday. Will they blow their diet?

Here's my pick for what you're going to do.

First, you are going to get your workout done early in the day.

Second, you're going to go about your normal food shopping and preparation for the rest of the week.

Third, you're going to go to the party (if applicable), scour the surroundings, and find the one thing you absolutely must have to eat during the game. Eat it (500 calories worth only) and remember to mark down an "X" for that meal on your compliance chart.

If you eat a lot of it (i.e. 1000 calories of crap), mark down two X's. Eat so much you feel sick?

Mark down four X's. You have no more cheat meals for the rest of the week. That's right, you have to be perfect for the rest of the week.

What did you think I was going to say? Eat with reckless abandon? Give you a pat on the back to burp you and try to make more room? Tell you wear your elastic waistband pants?

This isn't the Budweiser Good Times newsletter. It's a fat loss newsletter. If you want to lose fat, you can't be a pig on Super Bowl Day, or any other day.

If you want Politically Correct, "take no responsibility for your own actions" advice, that's down the hall and to the right. It will also get you nowhere. The TT newsletters only tell it like it is and help you get more results in less time. But you have to do the work.

Back to this week's fat loss guidelines...

TT Workout. And use one of my favorite tips. During today's Turbulence Training workout, make sure that you plan to set a new personal best. It can be in a weight exercise, a bodyweight exercise, or in your intervals. Always improving in the gym is a key to improving your body and health.

30 minutes of activity. I don't care if you go bowling, walk your dog, do yoga, go to a martial arts class, box, or play basketball. Just stay off your butt for at least 30 minutes. Walk to work. Play with the kids. Just stay active.

TT workout. It's winter, so heat it up with the intervals - add 2 more intervals to your regular interval workout.

30 minutes of exercise, anyway you want to get it done. Go skating. Enjoy the winter. If you live south of the equator, get out and enjoy the summer!

Last TT workout of the week. Have a little fun and do some arm exercises to end the week. Incline DB curls, DB Triceps extensions, DB hammer curls, and triceps pushdowns to finish it off. Just like old school bodybuilding. Its fun sometimes!

Get 30 minutes of exercise from a fun, non-gym workout. Give a beginner yoga class a try. One of the main benefits is that you'll forget all about work and other stress factors for the entire session. You'll feel great when its done.

Plan, shop, and prepare, of course.

If you're watching the game at home, eat healthy.

If it's a big deal to watch the game with friends, just know and accept the consequences of the extra calories. No complaining that you can't lose fat if you choose to eat poorly.

"I am the one who got myself fat, who did all the eating. So I had to take full responsibility for it." Kirstie Alley

You said it Kirstie,


P.S. And you know what?

Kirstie, and you, are more than welcome to get fat loss social support over in the forums at

Not only will get your questions answered by me, but you can read fat loss and nutrition advice from some of the top experts in the fat loss industry.

Plus, you get the workout of the month...check out the February 2007 Fat Loss workout.

"If you want to lose fat fast, I can't think of a more effective way to do it than by using Craig's Turbulence Training system. The workouts, the cardio, the nutrition; the whole system is spot on and incredibly effective. I would never risk my reputation in this industry recommending something I didn't believe in and Turbulence Training is without a doubt one of the best fat loss systems I have seen."
Jason Ferruggia Performance Enhancement Specialist

"I would have to say, Craig is the best trainer - virtual or otherwise. I'm on the TTFL program and getting stronger every day. The workouts are high intensity and results driven. I tried TTFL to get rid of some unwanted fat and can measure results after only 5 weeks. I'm stronger and have dropped 1.5% in fat. I've already mapped out my next TT workout - Booty for Life, and am looking forward to hiring Craig for a personal workout after that! What sets Craig apart from the other trainers is not only his great explanations, photos and descriptions, but his knowledge of all the new trends, his accessibility and the constant changes in his approach to a 12 week program. I look forward to the 4 week changes which keep my body and mind guessing for maximum progress and growth. My husband (on the TT Mass Builder) and I have been very happy with the results and recommend TT to all our friends and family when they ask for our secret to getting fit! Bar none -- best trainer I've ever seen, heard of or hired! Thanks!"
MK, Chicago

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